Is it alright to remove fluffies from the modern period? Like if I wanted to show how they’d be treated in a different time period would that be wrong in some way? (Side note:(Smarty with its jaw ripped off, yes or no))
one word: alchemy
Hey, headcanon is headcanon. If you want fluffies in 16th century Rome, shitting up the sistine chapel and listening when Il Papa excommunicates smarties, go for it. It’ll be a gas.
Nope, fluffies in any situation are perfectly fine. Victorian era fluff? Fine and Dandy. Wild west fluff? I’m your huckleberry. Biblical era fluff? Right and Just. I remember one good story that put fluffies in the trenches in World War I.
are you talking to me?
I could only imagine how fluffies would fare during the industrial revolution. So many dangerous factories
foxhoarder: it’s 7 pm, lad. Time for your dick pressing
You can send them to whatever era you like
Cool, I’m going Victorian. (Also I bought a paper scanner so I don’t have to just take pictures of all my stuff)
Thoughts on the jaw removal?
i’ve seen worse. do what you like
I need to upload Steamfluffs. It is a steampunk take on fluffies set im an alternate Victorian era. It is the Steampunk counterpart to my cyberpunk fluffy story, Policefluffs
Finally got round to uploading Steamfluffs to this site. Also, this is now the first steampunk fluffy story on this site!
That’s lovely, good for you.
That was a story me and @KaiserWilhelmII did, I’m glad you liked it
no, clicked the wrong reply, was talking to OP, sorry