Fluffies in the wasteland A Fallout Story: L is for LUCK (7svendye)

For any fluffy in the wasteland it is simple luck to survive for some however, they often survive due to destiny

Sand, sand, and more sand, as far as the eye could see especially for this fluffy herd wandering the harsh deserts of what was once LA, began to take its toll as it had been weeks since they had any form of clean water or food. They all remember their old home, an old and broken human place that had lots of food and clean wawas that would not make them sick and they remember the glowing shrommy not nummies that made the dark nights bearable, unfortunately, though their home was taken by the Claw Munster that turned their first smarty into nummies and bobo juice.

With their home stolen the brother of the first smarty had taken charge and made promises that they would get a new “Homsies” with “Toysise”, “Sketties”, and “Nuka wawa”. Unfortunately, his promises were just mere words as their odyssey across the dead land would take its toll on this colorful herd. They would find a “Hoomen” land and the samrty would demand that they let them in and give them all their food. They had answered by using their loud “Sowwy” sticks that turned half of their smarty into booboo juice and tummy skettie and ran back into the harsh desert waste.

It was after that incident that one of the Toughies would become the new smarty. He was just as bad as he demanded that they pick ugly and dummeh babbehs into nummies, he did not last long though as a pink ground munster came out of the ground as he was making his demands. His brother was smarter though, they had found some little nummies that made things easier on their hunger, but the thirst for clean water was strong within the herd.

They had found wawas earlier, unfortunately, though some of their herd did not understand that some wawas did not taste “pretty” and that it could make them sick. They did not care as they were so desperate for water, that they would lose more of the herd to radiation sickness.

Their Smarty would die the next day due to dehydration and leaving a another fluffy to take the role of their smarty as they began to enter what was once a city. The new smarty would be one of the nummie finders, a dark blue fluffy with a green main, who was forced into the role by the surviving herd mates. Although he did not want the job he understands that by being the smarty he can protect his special friend and their babies.

His Special friend whom the two old smartys would call a “poopie” fluffy and make her eat poopies, if they had any as she had black fluff with a white main, underneath her are their last three foals, who have not grown their mains yet, and still need milkies. His son a red fluffy foal was a good helper baby who tried to make his siblings happy the best he could and know that they would find a new home eventually, his sister was a not so pretty color of yellow tried to be happy for her family but the tummie hurties and dry throat made it very hard, and their last sister who had strange fluff that was green with weird little patches on them that were black like her mama’s fluff.

His special friend had the smart idea of having the babies walk underneath their mamas as a way to not get any burnie hurties from the bright ball in the sky as they had lost two of the babies from the scorching heat.

“Mama, yewo babbhie hab tummy hurties can hab milkies now?”

The Black mare could only sadly look at her babies as she also looked at her milkie place and saw how deflated it looked and how ugly due to the hot rays of the sun making the skin of her milkie place all cracked and dry.

“Mama sowwy babhie no hab nummie in wong bwight time so no can make milkies, huhuh”

“Huhuh, yewo babbhie am so hungie, nee milikies, no wike burny hurties”

“No sadie wawas sisie wed buwda gib bestest hugies to make sadies go way”

“Wub yewo sisie coo wub”

Both blue-fluff father and black-fluff mother looked at their babies with both a happy and sad look, as they did not wish to lose more of their young.

The tender family moment is then Interrupted by a Cacophony of crying and complaints.

“Smarty hoofies hab bigest hurties pwease gib huggies”

“Smarty, fuffwy nee nummies, when fin new homsies”

“Dummy smarty bestest mama nee numies fo bestest babbhie”

“Gib nummie now dummie”

“pwease smarty need pweatty wawas”

The smarty began to look around a saw the ruins of buildings and places of business and he knew in his gut that the place that they found themselves in was not safe.

“nee keep making walkies, no safe here when darkie times”

“bu, bu,… Smarty hoofies hab hurties no can mak walkies no moe”

“ou can think of fweinds in herd”

“huhuh, otay smarty fuffwy twy an make good walkies”


The herd all look to the pink and white main fluffy mama and her pink baby.

“Hatchue smarty wan old special fweind Toughie smarty, make dummie ugwy babies nummies, nee make milkies for bestest babbhie”


The herd looked startled as they began to look around in fear as the shouting could attract anything

“Dummy mare make shushie no wan being mun-”

“Smarty nu twell bestes mama wha do, beastest mama find sketti, toysies an-”


Before the pink mare could say anything else, her thinky place is splattered across the smarty’s face as time slowed down.

Another fluffys thinky place is blown off as brain and fluffy bone coated the road and soon all hell broke loose.

“Wun way!!!”

“HUHUH, nu wan forever swee-BAM”


The smarty began to run with his special friend and their babies upon the aftermath of the meany mama and her bestest that turned into a pink mist and splattered shit. Running in a random direction hoping to find a safe haven.

“Keep making wunnie special fweind nee sabe babies an-BAM SKEEEEEEEEEEE!?!?!”



The smarty could not get far as his leg was blown off his body leaving him without a leg. He tried to stand back up, but he knew he was done for, so he did the only thing he could do.




The black mare continued on running ignoring the crys of her young as she did not want to lose them too"


The mare ran as far as her little legs could carry her, looking for a place to hide, although she wondered were she could hide. So distracted in her thoughts she did not know that she had run into a dead end.

“NU!?!! nee make wunnies!!!”

“MAMA babbhie scwared wan huggies!?!?”

“why weab dadhie, nu wub dadhie?”

“nu wan, nu wan!?!?!”

The mare could only panic and cry, realizing that she had doomed herself and her young, that is until she saw a hole in the wall, and although she could not save herself she could still save her babies.

“Pwease babhies go in hidey howe, nu make cwy or chirp an peep”

The little red foal could only look at his mother with sad eyes as he did wish to less his mother too.

"NUUUU, wan stay web mamma babbhies nee mamma cheep huuhuuh peep

“nu wan weeb babbhies bu nu wan babhies tu hab forever sweepies pwease babbhie tak sissies an go in hidey howe”

the foal could only cry as he began to guide his sisters to the hole as they began to protest.

“NUUU Babbhie nu wan weeb, MAMMA, MAMMA, WUB MAMMA”

"Huuuhuhuuuhu peep peep peep huuhuhuu cheep cheep

Taking his siblings to the hole to hide their mother could only give them a sad smile knowing that even though she would die her babies were safe. She is brought out of her happy thoughts as she is grabbed by the tail by two humans who do not smell pretty and wore scary clothes. The fluffy herd had unfortunately wandered into Raider controlled section of the ruined city.

“This is the last one Hoss, (looks at the mare in anger), dammit this thing is almost skin and bones too”

“Who cares boss said that food is food, just slit it throat, and let’s get out of here.”

“Yeah, yeah”

The Raider pulled out a combat knife and began to raise the blade to the scared mare’s throat as she quietly sang.

“huhhuhuh, ma…mama…wub…babbhies…babbhies…wu…wub mama slit Ggrrglglglll…”

“Dude I don’t know why but hearing these little pig horses die is so what’s that word…uh…Therapeutic that’s it”

“yeah whatever”

As the raider began to take the dead mare back to their camp he saw that his friend Hoss was fiddling with a grenade.

“Hoss…man what are you doing?”

“What does it look like gonna blow that hole in the wall up.”

The Raider could only look at his friend strangely.


“Did ya not hear that bitch sing, it has kids, and considering that when we were chasing her I saw some other colors on its back and there is a hole in the wall you do the math dumbass.”

“So? Who cares not like those things are gonna survive without their mom and those things don’t have enough meat on them considering how small they are.”

“It’s the principal of it man I don’t like leaving stuff behind.”

“Boss is not gonna be happy about you wasting stuff Hoss.”

“Fuck that that dick.”

“whoa, man ya better hope he doesn’t hear you say that.”

“What gonna suck on the boss’s dick as ya snitch on me?”

As the two raiders argued within the hole the foals hugged each other and wept in a puddle of their own scardy peepes.

“huuuuhuuuhuuhu peep huuhuuu cheep”

For the green foal, the trauma and stress had gotten to her as she had reverted back into a chirpy babbhie crying for her mama that was no longer there.

“wan meany hoomes go away, wan meany hoomen go way…”

The yellow foal began being for the bad men to leave the alone in repeat as she hoped that if she kept saying it they would leave.

“Mama, Daddhie,…wan hugies, wan old homsies…”

the once happy red foal could only cry and hug his sisters as he knew that they too would go forever sweepies like their mama and daddie.

“…and another thing asshole I know you stole my stash of psycho!”

“WHAT!?! you dick I don’t touch that crap!”

“Oh really then expla-AHHHHH!?!?!”

Before the Raider known as Hoss could say more a brown blur tackles the raider to the ground as it begins to maul him. His partner is stunned in place as he sees a very fit and healthy German Shepard bite into the neck of his friend Hoss.

“Hang on man, just hold still and I blast the bas-BAM”

The Raider is unable to get a shot out as the entire half of his face is blown off via a gunshot.


The dog successfully kills the leader as it looks to a corner and barks happily for his master on getting rid of the bad men.

bark bark

From a nearby corner two men emerge, One is a rugged bearded man wearing Mk.2 leather armor, in his right hand, is a 10mm pistol, and on his left holster is an SMG that takes the same ammunition, This man was named Ian. The other man, who was in his twenties with black spikey hair, green eyes, and a somewhat baby face, was a sight to behold as he wore a modified Vault-Tec jumpsuit with leather armor pieces as the numbers 13 emblazed on his back almost seemed to shined, in his hands was a smoking hunting rifle, this young man was Kenneth (Kenny) Brooksville a resident of Vault 13.

“I said before and I will say it again raiders are fucking dumb”

“And I will say it again Ian, you right and know one likes a show-off man”

“Yeah, yeah, Think this was the last of them?”

“Hopefully, the trader at the hub said that it was this gang that gave him trouble, and we don’t have to worry about stragglers since we got rid of their camp”

As the two men headed to loot the bodies of the two raiders the Vault dweller began to pet his faithful pet.

“Good boy, DogMeat”

Bark, bark

As the two men begin to scavenge what they could with the faithful hound on lookout, from the hole the red foal begins to look around. He then notices the two homens looking at the stuff that the scary homens had and then looks to see a barky Munster. Upon noting the dog foal resited all temptation to make scardy poopies and peepees. Upon his search he sees his now forever-sleeping mother.


The foal approached her body hoping that there was any sign of her still being alive, unfortunately, the foal knew she was gone due to the huge amount of booboo juice coming out of her neck and mouth.

“Pwease mama make wakies babbhie gib huggies, make hurties go away, huuhuuhuu”

The Foal began to hug his now-dead mother hoping that the Huggies would bring her back unbeknownst to the foal he had a watcher right behind him.

Sniff Sniff

The Foal froze upon feeling something wet touch and sniff him. he slowly turned around and saw the brown barky munster had somehow gotten right behind him as he gazed upon the little foal. The foal could do nothing as he knew if he tried to run he would bring the munster to the hole where his sisters were and so with tears in his eyes, the foal closed them waiting for the monster to eat him.


The foal opens one eye and see’s that the monster was lying on his belly and looks straight into his eyes. He waited for the monster to do something but it didn’t, so distracted by the dog he did not notice the two humans right behind it.

“huh would ya look at this, I guess the Raiders didn’t get all these fluffy things”

“Yeah when it comes to foals they can get into any place that is about their size and judging on how he is by that dead mare that must be his mom”

The foal looks up at the men worrying that they would give him forever sleepies like his mother, but instead the man in blue crouches on the road and sticks out his not hooves. The foal at first flitches worrying that the man was gonna give him stompies but instead lays his hand to the ground near him.


The foal walks to the nice human’s hand as he is brought face-to-face with him.

“I take it that the mare on the ground is your mom little guy?”

“…Yes…am mama…twell babbhie to make hides from munster homens…sabe babbhie…bu get forever sweepies huhhuuuhu”

Kenny then turns to Ian with a strange look on his face.

“Forever sleeping?”

“In their own words that means death”


The man named Kenny could only look sadly at the little foal, from what he learned about these fluffies, were supposed to be pre-war pets that somehow survived the bombs. Creatures that were so innocent-minded that it was by pure luck that they often survived in the waste. The man could only watch as the young foal cried his eyes out as the only thing he could do to comfort it was to pet him.


The foal cooed at the nice man touch and although his hands felt rough they made the young foal feel safe.

"nice mista wet babbhie downsie?

“Um…sure…I guess?”

The Vault dweller lets the young creature down as he begins to make his way back to the hole where he hid, as no more than a second did the foal return, with two more following behind him. approaching the man in blue did the red foal get into the upssie position as he stuck his fron hoves up for the man to pick him and his sisters up as he obliged.

“And these are?”

“dey am fuwffy sisie’s, du nice missta hab milikes? Babhies hab tummy hurties.”

“Huh, these little guys aren’t weaned yet?”

As Ian gave his opinion, the man in blue went to where his pack was in the alleyway. Setting the foals down the man pulls a glass bottle full of something the foals remembered and not had in a while.

“Milikes fo babbhies?”

“YAY!!! new daddie gib milkies fo babbhies”

“Cheeep cheep cheep peep”

The man begins to feed the foals using a dropper that he unintentionally scavenged from a ruined Super Duper Mart and begins to feed them one by one with his trusty K9 lying by him and the foals.

“Been a while since you guys ate huh?”

“Yes, Daddie babbhies mama no hand nummies in wong time…huuuhuuu…mis mama”

The man saw the sad look on the now orphaned foals and then looked to the corpse of their mother, going back to his bag the man takes a cloth and a can of oil and approached the dead fluffy. He covers the foal’s mother in the cloth mumbling some words to himself the man pours oil on the mother and sets her body ablaze. The foal are shocked at what the nice man does until he approaches them.

“I did that so no one would turn her into nummies”

The Foals are saddened by what the man did but understand why he did it. Kenny approaches the foals again and beckons them to come to his hand.

“ya sure you want to keep them Vaulty?”

“Hey you let me keep dog meat”

It was by sheer luck that these little foals survived when their entire herd died, but unknown to both the foals the vault dweller, his dog and Companions they would become part of Wasteland history.

The Vault Dwellers (Kennys) fluffies

Red foal: Nuka, Yellow: Rad, Green camo pattern: shooter hoped you enjoy and keep fighting the good fight


The fact that any of these fluffies were able to survive in the wasteland is remarkable!

Best of luck to these three little foals!

Also Dog Meat is bestest boy :sparkling_heart:

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Hell yeah he is

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