Fluffies with actually useful wings?

All the cool kids hate fluffys so much they have to make new and better OC and call those things fluffys rather than write about real fluffys



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Do you want us to stagnate, Mcgee?

Because that’s what will happen if you get your way.

Also, No True Scotsman fallacy.


It wouldn’t be a true fluffy with useful wings. I mean, Ray-Ray, Ying, and other characters in my stories can fly, but they aren’t true fluffies.


oh please no! it’s bad enough fluffies make alot of shit, just imagine these creatures flying and shitting at the same time. (at the other hand, would like to see that in action just because the idea sounds really funny XD)

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i mean he has a point. those giant limitations are fundamental for fluffies, and a lot of stories spin around the ideas on how to overcome them


Yeah, I can see his point. But on the other hand, there’s only so much that can be done with regular, weak, fragile, stupid fluffies who can’t do anything right. Sooner or later, we’re gonna reach the point where we’ve done everything that we can do with regular fluffies.

And then what? Do we just do it all over again? And again? And again? Won’t that get old?

I think, sooner or later, we’re all gonna have to open our minds to the possibility of fluffies who aren’t weak, fragile and/or stupid. It’s alright if purists prefer the classic “dead in five seconds without constant care” fluffies, but Mcgee shouldn’t say that fluffies that aren’t fragile morons aren’t “real” fluffies. Fluffies aren’t even real to begin with!


If you are just going to strip away everything that makes fluffys unique what is the point of calling them fluffys,limitations is what makes a character sure the character can overcome them but to many people are just determined to ignore them


The thing is, if they’re too limited, there’s not a whole lot you can do with them. A fluffy whose personality is shallower than most puddles just isn’t an interesting fluffy. It’s hard to include fluffies in a conversation when they’re too dense to understand what’s going on. You pretty much have to make them at least a bit smarter, or you’ll be stuck with the same old hugbox/abuse stories until the end of time. Is that what you really want?

The fundamentals should still be there. I agree with you on this. But the fundamentals shouldn’t be all that’s there. Fluffies can be more than fuzzy automatons that mindlessly crave nothing but sketties and hugs, they should be able to like other things too. They can still like sketties and hugs, mind you.

Plus, like I said, fluffies being weak and stupid is the norm. It’s been done. People expect a stray fluffy who runs into an abuser to get fucked up. They don’t expect the fluffy fucking the abuser up instead. I like throwing curveballs.


Fluffy power creep little by little they stop becoming fluffies . Take Spider-Man his flaws and limitations are what make him interesting if you just start talking away his flaws and limitations are you really telling a spider man story

I know it is hard to write whit in characters limitations but that is what makes the story interesting having your character win in spit of there limitations. When everybody is writing fluffys to subvert expectations it is no longer novel or interesting it is just the death of a character


It’s fitting that you brought western comics into this. Look at how hard they try to preserve the status quo. Spidey was married for several decades in real life, and then one asshole went “not muh Spidey” and undid it in the worst way possible. Look at Superior Spider-Man. Otto went through a shitton of character development, and then they undid it all and reverted him back to Doctor “fuck Spider-Man” Octopus, because that’s how he’s “supposed” to be. Any interesting developments are eventually undone for the sake of an easily recognisable status quo. No change. Just the illusion of change. Marvel has openly admitted that to be their intention.

And look at how many people have been turned off of mainstream comics precisely because they know that nothing’s gonna change, and that the story will always end with [insert superhero here] sending [insert supervillain here] back to prison until the supervillain breaks out again next week. Do you get it now?

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we are talking more about him being unable to fly and not having unlimited web

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Hey, Spidey has been able to fly. Remember when he was Captain Universe? And he could glide, if I remember correctly, with the Iron Spider suit. I think Spider-Man 2099 can glide too.

The point is, Spidey’s still got the fundamentals. He’s still got the webs, the stick-em powers, the endless quips. If he’s still got that, is there really a problem with him having some more? As long as he’s still Spidey at the core. Do does anyone here really wanna be the guy who cries “NOT MUH SPIDEY!!! NOT MUH SPIDEY!!!” every time they change something? Does anyone here want to be Joe Quesada? Became he was so pissed off about Peter Parker being married that he had Spider-Man make a deal with the literal fucking devil just so Spidey could go back to living with his decrepit aunt, taking photos for Newspaper Hitler, and not having any sex. He didn’t care how many people liked Spidey being married and successful. He just wanted the Spidey he knew back.

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that’s an example of overcoming a limitation, not getting rid of it. if you make one fluffy smart by putting a computer in its brain, it is still fluffy. if you make all of them smart + give them useful magic just in case, you will get an mlp pony


When I say smart, I mean smart by fluffy standards. I’ve got a few fluffies who are smarter than humans, but most of them are on the level of a child. Like, a ten year old at best. And not every fluffy I write has powers.

Look at it this way: how many kid superheroes are there? If you can buy a kid superhero, you can buy a fluffy superhero.

I agree that fluffies should still be fluffies. I try to make my fluffies, well, fluffyish. But the difference between me and Mcgee is that I’m more flexible about what qualifies as a fluffy. I have been informed that Mcgee is something of a purist, and that’s fine by me. But he shouldn’t pull that “No True Scotsman” shit. The whole point is that we can each do our own take on fluffies, and they’re all equally valid, yes? As long as they’re still recognisable as fluffies.

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How odd that you do not understand the problem with those stories the problem was not that Spider-Man was married that was just a natural evolution of his character the problem came from hack writers could not write the character so they radically changed him to make him easier to write exactly the problem whit just changing fluffies for ease of writing. You can not see a solution to a problem or limitation so you just hand wave it away , destroying the character and characterization

The problem is not that fluffys grow as characters it is that the growth is not earned it is just a author ass pull to the problem of fluffys not being what they want them to be . It is not a fluffy going beyond its limitations to be a hero it is those limitations are just erased. A fluffy is not brave because he got magic hero sploosh all over him he is heroic because in spite of his fear he chose to be brave he chose the difficult path


Yeah, the problem was a purist deciding that Spider-Man shouldn’t be married, and that purist having the authority to undo it. The phrase “inmates running the asylum” comes to mind.

Look at it this way: if fluffies existed in real life, wouldn’t there be people who get sick of fluffies being weak and stupid? Wouldn’t there be people trying to breed/engineer hardier, smarter, better fluffies? Like literally any other animal we breed?

And having powers doesn’t make someone a hero. I agree with you on that, too. It’s what they choose to do with the power that matters. The whole “great power, great responsibility” thing. Even the strongest fluffy in my headcanon isn’t invincible. He’s been in multiple fights that he wouldn’t have won if he had fought them solo. And there are multiple cases in my stories of fluffies of absolutely ordinary strength having the balls to take on beings of superhuman strength. I’ll name some examples if you want me to. So regarding that, we’re on the same page.

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Just ignore that there needs to character development instead just make a better fluffy how do you not see the problem whit this , how do you not realize you are not writing about a fluffy but about your super special Mary Sue , but,but my fluffys don’t always win they just have the solution handed to them be duse ex machina so they can’t be Mary Sues


how many times have you two fought over this?


He brings out the worst in me, I fear.

But I’ve put a stop to it. I’ve blocked him. I’m not engaging him anymore.

If he wants to be like that, he can be like that without me.

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