Fluffsona Doodle Dump (federalchemical1728)

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Ed with @Julie & Ed in @LongFluffering 's style

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i got covid like a year ago, luckily i was fully vaxxed & only had a mild case. the vaccine actually knocked me out longer than the virus did

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I never know how to express the depth of my gratitude for this absolutely insane community

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Jack Stauber’s “Opal” hit really close to home, so i made a crochet Opal with my yarn scraps

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my King Of Hearts card for @anon9587322 's card thing

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Angy vent art

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I did finally get a prescription for Real Deal ADHD meds, but it won’t be filled until the 30th. I gotta stretch my weed out for 5 more days

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and I still havent made the appointment I need to make

Ed & @anon3053411 's fluffsona Meadow drawing what they like to draw

((i need to hold on a little bit longer))

Ive been really really caught up in avoidance. I avoided dealing with my grandma, i avoided dealing with the bills, i avoided responding to messages, i avoided opening my mail, i avoided working on my computer, i avoided making phone calls, i avoided leaving the house, i avoided taking a shower, i avoided sorting through paperwork, i avoided doing or thinking about most things in general.

i actually drew some smut of my fursona and it kinda felt like i had my groove back. im trying to figure out how i want to launch my patreon. i know i want to do monthly commentated sketchbooks, but i have to figure out the formula im gonna use. ill probably put together a fluffy-centric sketchbook as practice & “release” it to you guys.

it’s sitting down and taking it from a pipe dream to digital reality that’s the hard part, but thats what the ADHD medication is supposed to help with.

i feel so all over the place. i worry, i allow myself to wonder if my confidence is misplaced. i wonder if it’s okay to want things, need things, and accept things. i have so many other things im worried about too, so many tiny little insecurities that i dont want to let out.

and some very kind people are worried about me.

ADHD medication won’t fix my life, I need to fix it. but ADHD medication will let me do the small things that will make the big things possible. it feels like im constantly waiting, scraping by on the bottom of the barrel of survival. but i come here and the art that i hide from my family is celebrated. people enjoy it, they’re excited to see it. so thank you.

((and if i havent responded to your comment or message or something, i’m sorry :sob:))


We need to continue this “dump” trend on FC because it’s awesome


I love your artstyle bro, shits slick.


So cute!

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Wonderful work and happy that you’re getting yourself together. Its always a ridiculously tough hurdle to overcome. I’m glad that this community, for all its bumps and blemishes, can help and celebrate you.

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Damn thats alot of really high quality sketches. Nice job, i hope the medication makes your day a little easier to deal with.

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I’m so glad you’re back! We have been tryly been blessed on this day with rhis wonderous art. And, hey, it’s okay to not be okay. Everything takes time and effort, and it can definetly get to be a lot sometimes, but the fact that you’re able to keep on keeping on shows that you can do this. I bet that your patreon will do really well, and I’d definetly throw money at you if I had any. You do you!

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It’s always nice to see your art :3


Also we love having you here, I hope everything ends up working itself out, we all love you so much and wish you the best!


ahhhhh i love the huggies!! give many many hugs many hugs for friendo!!
Your fluffsona is so so cute i love em!

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Big hugs! I’m sorry to hear about the avoiding unfortunately I 100% understand where you’re coming from. Just know your art is pretty solid and you matter :slight_smile:

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Me when the DISREGULATED EMOTIONS hit and then I can’t come down for like an hour or more.

I feel you a lot man. I’ve been out of the bad times for a few years now, and thinking back to those bad times makes me realize how bad it actually SUCKED. Working to get out of it is the hardest part and you’re doing great because you’re putting the work in! Doesn’t matter if you backslide sometimes, you’re still pushing through and you’re still here! Keep being here!