Flufftober-2024 day 27 Eternal dreams (nessie)

After surviving the 3 foals through the harsh winters
They were able to enjoy a few months of peace

Even so, one day a herd of smartys wanted to hurt the older sister of the foals, the youngest blessed with such a big body and an equally comparable heart did not hesitate to defend his brothers.

If you were twice as big and strong

100 wounds wouldn’t hurt?

If you were twice as big and strong

100 wounds would not bleed?

Little creature sin of man why are you still standing.

You could escape and survive another day.

Why protect your useless brothers.

It’s too late, you only have seconds left, enjoy them.


he died standing…i salute you brave shit rat :saluting_face:


Subiendo: image.png…
murio de pie como los grandes,la grandeza te espera,o por lo menos un descanso


Ajajaja What the fuck is “Eternal dreams?”

Let’s see. Are you aware that the “Sueñitos eternos” stuff is just the “Forever Sleepies” concept but in taco language?
De donde cojones salió esa mamada de “Eternal dreams” XD?

If u’r not translating at all

At least put some effort in these details, negro


Nah, too much effort for his schizo style :v

The positive side will be that his family will not be massacred when he is gone

No tengo tiempo para blowjobs yo pongp lo que me sale en el traductor y point end



We salute you hermanito :saluting_face: :sadboy:

My best effort:

Suu scardies
Wittwe bwudda suu angwy stwong, gib foweva sweepies tu dummeh smawties (I think)
Wittwe pwetty fwuffy nu gib yu twoubwe (I think)

Wittwe bwudda, dummeh smarties wun away
Fwuffy gib you huggies tu make boboo juice gu away (I think)
Wittwe bwudda???

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