Flufftober Day 6 - Rubber Duck (BensonDover)

Ernie enjoys a bath with his little friend, and his lustrous rubber duckie floaty.

Happy Flufftober


I didn’t realize how much I needed muppets hanging out with fluffies in my life until it was here.


Yeah I can see Ernie as a hugboxer. Big Bird too in a means well but doesn’t exactly know what he’s doing


So sweet! :face_holding_back_tears:

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Bert: Enrie, what the fuck! Are you telling me that your rubber ducky you’re constantly shoving in my face has been touched by shitrats?
Ernie: But Bert, look how cute he is…
Bert: I don’t care ‘hOw cUtE He iS’, if you must remember, I work at the FluffMart warehouse and deal with shitrats 9 to 5. I know what those things are truly like and would prefer if you kept your biohazard of a friend out of my sight! I am the one who’s working to pay the bills while you lay around like the man-child you are.