FluffTube Extracts: Fluffy Maze [Britfluff]

Having just finished her creation, Paige sat back and stretched her legs. For the last two weeks, she had been spending a comedic amount of time designing and crafting a maze large enough to take a foal at least twenty minutes to wander out of. All for the one hundred thousand sub special.

For additional context, Paige was a 23-year-old FluffTuber, with FluffTube being a website dedicated to hosting fluffy-related videos, whether abuse or hugbox. Why not just upload onto YouYube, you may ask? Well, that’s because YouTube doesn’t appreciate people uploading videos of graphic violence, fluffy or otherwise. That, and since most people nowadays were firmly situated on the thin side of the fluffy shit-covered coin of hugbox and abuse, hugbox content producers gain additional ad money from those looking to balance out the abuse by just uploading here.

Paige herself didn’t situate herself on either side of things. She may consider fluffies living, but then again, so were insects, and most people wouldn’t hesitate to kill one if it annoyed them. Paige didn’t enjoy killing them, but if the need arose, she would.

That also didn’t mean that Paige wasn’t above more mundane forms of abuse.

Paige’s FluffTube channel ran foals and microfluffs of all ages through handcrafted mazes, documenting their escape through them with accompanying stock royalty-free music. Noteworthily, she wasn’t the only one, though most often consisted of death mazes where a 'sploring babbeh would meet its untimely end through failing to jump a one-inch-long gap and getting impaled on several filthy sewing needles.

However, Paige prefered to keep her mazes safe. On the side, she worked as a breeder whilst also working at Fluffmart for that sweet, sweet discount on fluffy products and free access to foals that are too old to sell - If it weren’t for the fact that she likes making these mazes, she’d be dead from stress by now. These videos doubled as advertisements for her fluffies, and killing any of them could put a bad name out for herself. The foals sold after these videos would also have one hell of a story to tell their new parents.

Plus, people would like to say that their fluffy was viral on FluffTube.

Regardless, Paige’s latest creation rested in front of her, complete. Its theme was “prison escape”, consisting of several layers of pipes and vents with little blue styrofoam balls acting as water. Most of the props were made of cardboard, though her girlfriend Rose put her carpentry degree to use here by helping her make some of the rooms out of wood. She made sure to reward her real good that night.

TMI aside, the result was a prison with security shoddy enough for a foal to slip by, slots for her to let Paige puppet a cardboard warden she made, and areas for ferals she temporarily grabbed as actors (after all, what would be better to represent some rough, grizzled prisoners) to roam about in. Honestly, the entire thing could act as a play area for the fluffs when she was done. But that was later.

It was time to set up the show.

“Whu- Whu- Whu Mish Paige MEAN babbeh fwamed?!” Exclaimed Peaches, a sweet little cream and orange foal. “Babbeh nu am pikchur!”

“Y- No, Peaches, that’s not what framed means.”

The little foal tilted her head in confusion, sitting on Paige’s hand.

“It means someone did a horrible thing and made it look like you did it. Like when Brownie made bad poopies and nudged Sammy over to it in his sleep.”

“Ooh, otay.”

The both of them were silent for a few seconds.

“Wait, buh, buh, Peechis du nuffin wong!”

“Well, that’s not what the police are saying,” tutted Paige, “They’re saying a filly with cream fluff and an orange main stole someone’s stuffy friend, and the hoof prints match yours.”

Peaches’ little eyebrows contorted in confusion and frustration. How could ANYONE be as cruel, as callous to steal another fluff’s stuffy friend? Let alone blame it on an innocent fluffy?! Tears began to well at the corner of her eyes, bottom lip quivering.

“Nu faiwe! NU FAIWE!” Peaches cried, “Nu wan go pwison!”

Just before the foal could reach either peak scree or peak wan die, Paige quickly snapped her fingers, grounding Peaches and getting her attention.

“Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. I have a plan to get you out.”

Peaches sniffled, cocking her head to the other side.


“Wake up, Prisoner 6078!”

With a start, Peaches woke up from her stupor, laying in the most uncomfortable beds known to fluffkind; the last thing she could remember was having one final sketty flavoured treat before she would be gone, and now here she was. Turning to see what the shouting was coming from, she saw something akin to that blocky friend from all the FluffTube videos she was watching dressed as a guard. The one from that game where you make stuff!

Look, you got to attract viewers somehow, and fluffies love Minecraft.

“Breakfast will be in an hour. Give yourself lickie cleanies until then, or else I’ll dunk you in the coldest water!”

“Buh wawa bad for fwuffies!”

“Then you best start licking!”

And with that, the meanie blockie guard left, leaving Peaches unsupervised. Perfect. Now she could start up the plan. Looking around her, she noticed three things; a litterbox, a water bottle and that aforementioned bed.

With all of her strength, Peaches bit into the litterbox and pulled, ripping it off the flooring. It was tiring, but hey, it helped her with her teething pains a little despite the taste. Peering into the exposed area, she saw a pipe at a 45-degree angle filled with little blue balls. According to Miss Paige, these were harmless though she did advise her to hold her breath when submerged.

It looked like water, and water was terrible for fluffies, but what choice did she have?

“Peaches gun be out soon, Mish Paige.”

And with a leap, the foal held its breath and waddled through the tiny balls, closing her eyes. After five seconds, she realised that if she looked up, she could poke out her face and take a breath!

Flinging some balls aside, Peaches took in a deep breath, panting after having to hold her breath for so long. Now that she was able to, she could also open her eyes and get a little look-


Paige reviewed the footage from her miniature security cameras, smiling to herself. Alrighty, this part may need a touch-up in terms of audio, mainly to cover up the sound of Peaches shitting herself and likely the shit on her arse after she gets out of here. Thank god for 2040 video editing software.

So far, everything was going great. Granted, they were only five minutes into the video, but hey, the start was what hooked most viewers. All that Paige had to do was make sure the following footage kept up to scratch.

After having bounded out of the scary, dark pipe, Peaches found herself in a dingy area with a ramp leading out. Good, that meant she went the right way. Regardless, the next thing to do was pull off some grating, blocking off a vent after shaking off the balls stuck through static to her fur, which she did surprisingly easily.

Slowly, Peaches crept through the ventilation shaft, peering down at the fluffs below her. The room seemed to be some communal nummies room, filled with kibble bowls and scary adult fluffies with scars and missing eyes, scowls instead of smiles and a rough disposition. She swore she could see one shoving the other aside and calling him a dummeh to get to his food! Thanking her lucky stars that Miss Paige was looking out for her, she continued onwards until she reached a fork in the road.

Uh oh. Peaches forgot which way to go.

Deciding to go straight ahead, Peaches trudged onwards, not noticing the lightning sign next to her as she pressed forwards. Thank god this is more of a neutral, if not hugbox-leaning story, right?


Anyways, after waddling for what seemed like forever, Peaches finally found herself in what resembled a big power generator room to the humans that would watch at home, pistons pushing up and down, threatening to send her crashing down into the yellow ball pit below should she slip. Luckily, there was a ramp out, but it led elsewhere, and the fall looked high enough to hurt.

After mustering her courage, Peaches pushed onwards yet again, deciding to bound forward at a lightning pace past these pistons. If she was quick enough, she could bypass them all and be at home in no time.

At least, she thought.

Screeing, Peaches found herself stumbling as one of the pistons near flipped her over, only managing to avoid falling by holding on to the edge between the second and third piston with her front leggies.

Alright, meanie pistons. Peaches had learned her lesson; use thinkie place, not leggies.

Barely managing to pull herself up, Peaches waited for the opposing piston to duck before she lept over it with style and grace. The next one, she weaved just in time to land on another, using the propelling force and her light weight to leap over two of them. The final one she bypassed by simply waiting for it to lower before dashing past it and to what looked to be a fire exit

Peaches looked back, a confident grin on her little face.

“Siwwy Pishtons, Peechis am tu smawt fow yu. But nu am smawty.”

Welp, that was the money shot. For humans, this may have been a mildly intense action sequence filled with a lot of tears and screes, but for fluffies, this was like Matrix parkour. All that was missing was giving the little fucker some sunglasses and calling it a day.

But Paige knew that the runtime would undoubtedly take a hit; she was hoping the fluffy would fall, not fucking go fluffy Ryan Doyle on her arse.

At the very least, Paige planned for this scenario…



Peaches couldn’t help but let out a little scaredie peepees at the loud siren, flashing red lights and harsh voice as she saw the door close behind her. She was in the end game now. Ahead of her, the seemingly straight path through the fire exit to the end door suddenly became a deadly gauntlet of spiked trapdoors, spinning platforms, what looked to be red burny water, and what she thought was a big hairy leggy monster!

But Peaches had been through worse. Just now, she almost fell to her death and had to rip off a litterbox with her teeth. She can make it through this gauntlet.

Time to show them what she picked up in prison.

Making a mad dash, Peaches hopped across some Total Wipe Out style cylinders, not looking behind her to see them fall as she narrowly avoided what looked to be a bear trap. Landing on some spinning platforms, Peaches twirled across them like a ballerina whilst trying to keep yesterday’s kibble in, taking a breather as she stared down the leggy monster.

“Hey, dat nu am weal!”

Paige cursed at herself as she watched. Of course the bastard foal was old enough to figure out reality from plastic.

Taking a breather, Peaches sat for a minute or so before carefully navigating around the pit below her; the contents looked more like the weird blue ball water from earlier but orange this time. She’d likely be safe if she fell, but not wanting to risk plummeting to her doom, Peaches walked slowly and steadily down the winding tightrope floor, breathing slowly to focus herself.

And before she knew it, she had reached the exit.

“Great job, girl!”


Peaches practically inhaled her celebratory sketties as Paige gently stroked her fur, a smile on her face. They were currently at her desk, with Paige “deleting the security footage” as she edited the recordings into a nice, adspace-friendly ten-minute video.

“Alright, I managed to make it look like you were still there for the meanie prison guards, but just so you know, you can’t tell anyone you don’t trust about this.”

I.e., whoever adopts you.

“Otay, Mish Paige. Onwy wiww teww nyu mummeh, daddeh, or whoevah.”

“Good girl. Now, don’t worry too much if anyone else finds out. After all, they seem to think you’re still in there, but if too many people find out, you may get in a little trouble. And don’t mind any videos of yourself on FluffTube; nobody will suspect it’s you.”

Peaches nodded, mouth full of spaghetti bolognese as she dined on her victory supper.

And boy, did it taste sweet.

The video itself would go on to be one of Paige’s most popular ones, getting the number fourteen spot on the trending tab of the site. Peaches, meanwhile, was adopted by a sweet little ten-year-old girl whose dad was an ex-convict for a sizeable amount, whilst Paige and Rose celebrated their suddenly larger bank accounts with some wine, dinner and loving.

AN: Hey yall. I’ve decided to get back a little into writing. Again. Starting to think me returning to this community is a cyclical thing where I leave when I have shit to do and return when on vacation. I don’t know why, shit happens I guess.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this story. Criticism is welcomed, and I think I’m gonna keep hold of Paige and Rose as a breeder power couple. Because why not.

Also, a “fluffy exploitation” or whatever tag could be useful. You know, for people exploiting fluffies for their own gain.


Ohhh. I rather like the idea of the fluffy-exploitation tag because I feel like that would be fitting for my fluffy circus freaks artwork as well. Also! Great story! :clown_face::+1:t2:


I’m not gonna lie, I went into this with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. What a fun little story.


Thanks for the kind words!

That was a thoroughly fun read. Thank you!


This was super good. I had yet to see a “safe” version of a maze runner for foals on here.

Great stuff!


That was fun, the gaslighting was the best part.

Not sure a foal should know or manage the word piston, but whatever, musta been explained to her.


This was definitely a fun read! Nice to see exploitation in the fluffy world and breeding industry.

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Pretty good!