Fluffy AI training data! I need YOUR help!

Hey guys as everyone knows by now im making a game but for this game I need a lot of fluffy talk. And while It would be easy to just have a AI train another AI I feel like I cant get enough proper data from AI to make a fluffy truly talk! So I need of help im asking yall to send data (aka fluffy talk and only fluffy talk) to help with the AI! Thanks for your contributes!


Your best bet is to feed it a lot of story dialogue, I think.

ETA: don’t do this, btw. It pisses people the fuck off.


“Do my job so I don’t have to”

No thanks.

This is just unethical if you don’t get consent from the authors you sample. Speaking of, I don’t consent to my stories being used for training data.


True. I was literally thinking of the how, not the ethics. Frankly, I loathe AI.


i mean that wasnt the point. Im personally feeding data myself i just thought hey lets do this in a nice way to not piss people off!

Are you feeding your OWN data? :martini:


yeah with help with some others. besides if you really dont like this project block me or some shit instead of being a jerk!

I will always call into question the ethics of AI, especially when using the data of people other than yourself.



I’m a bit confused about what you’re trying to do honestly, but I’ve been using this site as a basis for my dialogue. It has a pretty good breakdown of the “rules”.

Edit: This was bad advice, sorry.

its not like im even using anyone’s work! Im simply using data OTHERS who have willingly created and shared on their own! Along with my own work! I get the ethics and im trying to do shit right here so I dont steal stuff others created!

Why not learn to write fluffspeak yourself? Would that not make all of this easier for you in the long run?


chill your beans, bud
wouldn’t want someone to make a fluffy soy wojack of you, now would we?

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I mean I am! I just thought for best accurate data and so the AI doesn’t turn out horrible Id ask here!

The translator doesn’t follow most grammatical rules or explain complex concepts well. It shouldn’t really be used unless you’re an absolute beginner, even then I’d recommend against it.


at this point its a loosing battle Im just trying to make something people can enjoy with a lot of problems in my own life going on.

I suppose my next question would be why the rush to train the AI before you train yourself?

While there are generally accepted rules and a few guides out there, keep in mind that fluffspeak varies, especially grammatically


You and everyone else on this godforsaken website. But excuses are just excuses, and mean little.

The rest of us also have lives that, for the most part, fucking suck. Using it as an excuse is unbecoming.


don’t fucking tell me about your problems,
just say “how about you go back to reddit?”
or “yeah? kill yourself faggot”
I would respect either and see you as a humorous gentleman of culture


Im not trying to even excusing myself I know I have way to many issues im just fucking saying if I seem like I get angry quick sure thing but that I still wanna do some good!

I would try more traditional methods of content production like art or writing before committing to something as big as a game and dragging the community into it.

Which is my nice way of telling you that your project, whatever it is, sounds like a big stinker and I think you should stop wasting your time.