Fluffy and boxie friend (Julie)

Watched the ending of portal 2, and got a bit emotional, so, i wrote this within like an hour, and did a quick doodle in an hour.
its not great, but its what i felt i needed. the idea of fluffies and companion cubes feels like it would lead to some lovely concepts
please enjoy

“Huuuu… Tess sub-ject nu wana du mowe testies… Jus wana hab fwend…” The fluffie cried out
“Hm, subject is refusing to go further without a companion… Bring out the old cubes.” a scientist said to the other, behind a pain of glass that was invisible on the other side.
“Sending in the cube.” the other scientist said, pressing a shiny button with a sticker of a cube with a heart on it. A tube slowly comes down from the ceiling, opening up and causing a steal box to slam onto the ground, a slight bounce in it, even though its metal.
“ScrEE!” the fluffy jumps in fear, leaving a stain on the metal cold floor.
“Huu… boxie scawed fwuffy…” He said stepping over to the box.
“Oh god… Not a fluffy…” a voice says barley in a whisper.
“Wha! Boxie fwend can tawk?!” the fluffie said in shock.
“Shhh! Dont say it so damn loud- if you do they’ll incinerate me…” the box whispers out.
“What am in-cin-ewate?” the fluffy asks sitting down and tilting his head.

“What’s he doing?..” one scientist asks the other
“Talking to the box, fluffies tend to personify items, stuffed animals blocks, food bowls even.”
“Hm, lets hope so, we had to burn 3 of the last subject’s cubes for speaking to the subject…”

“”Its… its when they put you in fire and burn you to death…”
“Wha? Dat how-a-bow! Fwuffy pwomise to keep talkies secwet.” the gray fluff says nodding his head.
“I… thanks…” he says softly.
“It nu pwobwem boxie! Now, fwuffy gotta sowve puzzwe for nummies…” the fluffy says, after what may be an hour, or so, the fluffie solves the puzzle and happily trots to the elevator, before stopping and turning around.
“Wait… how du fwuffy get bwockie fwend tu next woom?.. Fwuffy nu wana weave fwend!” the fluffy started crying, laying on the floor and sobbing.

One of the scientist rolled his eyes,
“Pump in the sleeping gas…” he grumbled before his assistant pressed another button, a pink gas slowly filling the room

“Ohhh nuu… Fwuffie am sweepie ‘gain… Can fwuffy sweep by yuu boxie fwend?”
“I’m literally a box right now… I literally cant do anything if i didnt want you too…” the box grumbles.
“Otay! Nitey-nite boxie-fwend.” The gray fluffy curls up next to the box and happily starts to snooze

When the little fluffy woke up only 30 min later, the box, was on wheels, and had a rope around it that would make it easy to pull.
The fluffy gasped
“Boxie fwend now have wheewies an wope!!”
“Gha- what?-” the cube asked confused, sounding like they just woke up, voice sounding even fainter then before.
“Whewe yuu get da wope fwom?” the fluffie asked happily
“I dont know- i cant see any damn rope…” the cube said getting frustrated.
“Wha? Fwuffy am con-fused. Buh ask mowe questions as we wawkies, wan get tu nummies soon.” the fluffy bites the rope and pulls with all his fluffy strength to get his cube friend over to the elevator, to the next room.
“Greeaaaaatt…” the cube grumbles.
“Su what yuu mean when yuu say boxie nu can see?” he says, after dropping the rope when in the elevator.
“Listen you damn shit rat- im not a box!” the cube sounded angry
“Buh… you boxie shaped?..”
“I am now! I- i can feel it…”
Theres a silence in the air for a moment, the fluffy asks softly
“You not aways boxie?..”
“No… no, i was a test subject…”
“Wh- wike fwuffy?!”
“Yeah, like you… But im a human…”
“Yuu was human?”
“No- i still am human”
“Buh… boxie am smawwew den humans am… How am yuu eben in dewe?..”
The silence weighs heavy again.
“I failed a test… I fell from a really, really tall hight… It hurt like hell… My boots were ment to save me but… I landed on my side and shattered something… I felt it…”
“Oh nu- fwuffy am sowwy! Can we gib yuu body fixies?-”
“No… no they picked me up… And broke everything else in my body…”
“What? Dey gabe yuu wowst owwies?!” the fluffy said in shock
“Thats how they got me in the box… They crammed me in here and… It hurts…” He spoke softly, starting to sound teary.
“How wong hab yuu been in boxie?..”
“I-i dont know… It hurts… A-and i feel bad for all the other boxes i was made to burn- i- Fluffy make me a promise, please?”
The fluffy was confused but nodded, then remembered the box couldnt see “Yus, wha is it?”
“Dont, ever burn another box please… I deserve to be burned though…” the voice said solemnly
‘Wha- no??”
“Fwuffy nu gibe yuu buwnies, nu gib any boxie fwends buwnies. Eben if fwuffy become boxie, wiww teww next fwend tu nu gibe buwnies.” the gray fluffy said, grabbing the rope and pulling it to the next room. The box was silent for a while, before softly whispering “Thank you…”

Days went by, the fluffy trying to share his nummies with the boxie friend, who though generally grumpy with everything, seemed to have a soft spot for the fluffy. When the fluffy was stuck, the box would whisper any answers to him he could, getting the fluffy through intelligence tests it shouldnt have been able to pass, keeping him alive for longer.
The gray fluff refused to move anywhere without the box, crying whenever stairs or small highs he couldnt get his box over.
Even days after the box uttered his last words, the fluffy still pulled the box along, no longer speaking to it, but solemnly hugging it when scared or sleeping on it or at its side.

He forever remembered the last conversation they had…
“Hey… fluffy?..”
“Hm? Yus boxie?”
“What… color is your… Your fur?..” he asked softly, weak, voice the faintest it had ever been
“Oh, fwuff am gway”
“Gray… ah thats cute… Do you, have a name other then test s-subject?..”
“Nu, aways wanted a name, an a daddy.”
“Well, i can give you one of those at least… Shit- im bad at names but… How bout… Grayson?..”
“Gway-sun? Gwaysun wub it” he said solemnly, staying close to te box.
“Du yuu hab namesies?..”
“Yeah, Mike”
“Can… can yuu be Gwayson’s daddy Mike?.. Eben fow a bit?..” silence, though a smile was audible in Mike’s pained, strained voice
“Sure Grayson, it may only be a bit though…” he softly warns
“Dat otay, onwy need a wittwe bit…” the gray fluffy hugged the box.
“I… i love you Grayson…”
“Gwaysun wub yuu tuu daddy Mike” the fluffy said, saying his daddies name, trying to smile as the tears fell out of his big eyes.


Damn. A blip of something to grasp. Damn good writing.


Wub wub wub :two_hearts:




Wow. This is very charming. Thank you for sharing this awesome wholesome and tragic story.