Fluffy and dragoon (by Rescue_9)


Awwwww take pic* so adorable :heart_eyes:


Dragon boi’s just taking a quick nap before he roasts and eats the cheap dinner daddeh brought from the fluff mart


Now that’s an nft I can get behind. :slight_smile:


Maybe it’s time for some lore expansions on the dragon fluffs.

Are they carnivorous or do they mostly eat plants and bugs like most lizards? Do they share some of the behavioral issues of their fluffy cousins? Are they cold blooded or warm blooded? Are they really affectionate like a fluffy, are they more like a tegu, or does it just vary? Are they kinda smart like a fluffy(survival skills aside) or ate they just derpy looking lizards?


Finally Drake calmed down. Ever since getting Brownie from the local breeder who has too many fluffies, Drake has calmed down drastically. Small fires aren’t being lit, and random objects aren’t being dropped on my head. Best advice I got from online pertaining to draggos.


Okay, I was on the fence about it, but I will accept Dragoons into my headcanon. I mean, I already have puffy griffons, so why not a genetically engineered dragon pet?


The og idea came from someone else, but I have my own canon for these guys.

They are warm blooded, but prefer to bask in the sun.

They are all smarties and think they’re better than anybody else (they are not).

They tend not to be as affectionate, but aren’t total assholes. They’re sorta like a cat, but more food-modivated

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Oh lawd they do be nappin

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I’ve got something like them in my headcanon. Mine are called scalies.

And they predate fluffies.

By about 14000 years.

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