FLUFFY 1 (Reggie): 1 Vote
FLUFFY 2 (Tater): 5 Votes
FLUFFY 3 (Wyoming): 4 Votes
FLUFFY 4 (Yorkie): 0 Votes
FLUFFY 5 (Benji): 3 Votes
FLUFFY 6 (Angelo): 4 Votes
Tater Wins!
After careful consideration out of all the fluffies present, you decide on Tater. You imagine his personality would help him settle among the fluffies you currently have, but the main reason is that his white spots actually would be great to try and pass on to his offspring. Hell, he even has perfect “natural” colours, with him even being an earthie! The people who often go for fluffies with these colours are either those who want to enter their fluffies into beauty pageant, parents with children who are obsessed with horses, people who just want a non-garishly coloured fluffy or just plain ole abusers looking for a cheap fluffy.
“I’ll take Tater. And don’t neuter him.”
“Alright, miss. Hey, Tater! Tater!”
The brown fluffed earthie turns towards the man, leaving his toy piano alone to turn to the employee.
“Wes, mistew Andwew?”
“This nice lady here wants to be your new mumma-”
The fluff’s tail is wagging so fast you wouldn’t be surprise if it went flying off.
“Hey, hey, calm down. I just have to give you all the shots and purge your system, and you’ll be all nice and ready.”
“Otay! Tatew weady for ‘shots an puwgin’!”
Oh, honey. If only you knew what that entailed.
Fifteen minutes later, Tatew was ready, looking a bit upset and shaken. Yolk looks a tad unsettled, which you quickly fix with a kiss on the head.
“It’s alright. They were just making sure he wouldn’t get sick at all or make bad poopies on the way home.”
You reach out and scoop Tater into your other arm, now holding both fluffies. Upon seeing Yolk, his little face lights up.
“Ooo, pwetty mawe! Fwuffy’s name am Tatew! Wut youws?”
“Fwuffy am Yowk. Nice tu meet yu.”
“Tatew am suuu happies! Hab new mummah wiv pwetty fwend an’ wub an’ huggies! Tatew can pway bestest pyano!”
“Wut pyah-noe?”
Tater lets out a gasp, as if he was dunked in ice cold water, as you walk outside, fluffies babbling to each other in your arms.
“Peeyano am bestest toysies! Wets yu make bestest moosic! And Tatew am bestest at making pwetty moosic. Mistew Andwew say dat Tatew am next ‘Bee Tohven’!”
“Ooo! Dat make Yowk 'cited! Miss Wose? Can Yowk hab pyano?”
“Maybe if you behave, and if I have the money.”
“Awh, otay. Fank yu.”
“Yu nu hab Pyano? Buh- buh how Tatew make bestest moosic?”
“Actually, little fluffy, I have an idea…”
That idea was stupid. You should have never had it.
What you did was set up some spare rulers, a rubber band and a block of wood you had from your college days. The fluffy now just flicks the ruler, constantly making noise which somewhat grinds your ears like an axe being sharpened. You can put up with it, though. You hope.
Aside from that, the fluffies have been getting along well. Tater, despite his mildly inflated ego, has been behaving and hasn’t tried anything bad, and has actually clicked pretty well with Royal. It’s mainly due to Royal showing him around and telling him about each toy, whilst Tater said his children looked big and strong. Fluffy relationships often have the complexity of those of a Six Grader’s, but whatever. Point is they’re getting along.
The most important thing, however, is his budding relationship with Yolk. You read that you shouldn’t force fluffies to mate, as the stress can cause foal rejection and ruin their bond with each other. So far, Tater’s been calling Yolk flattering names such as “da pwettiest mawe in da wowd!” and “bootiful!”, with the former being the equivalent of reading poetry in French to your crush at sunset whilst they stand on a balcony. Yolk’s enjoying the attention and even let him sleep on top of her during the nightly hugpile.
Currently, you’re cooking up some spaghetti bolognese as a celibratory dish for the newcomer to the group, when you feel Yellow tapping your leg politely.
“Miss Wose?”
“Yes, little one?”
“Wewwow nee’ hewp gibing babbehs name!”
“I thought you’d be able to do that by yourself?”
“Wewwow fink of too many namesies tho! Gib biggest head huwties!”
“Ah. I see. After dinner, I’ll sit down and help you, alright?”
“Otay! Fank yu miss Wose!”
“No problem. Now, dinner’s almost ready. Go let the others know.”
“Sketties!!! Yaaaaaay!”
NAME: Rose Abernathy
AGE: 22
CURRENT HOUSING: Studio Apartment
FLUFFY BREEDING LOCATION: Studio apartment; a corner in the living room.
SKILLS: Engineering, Architecture, Can drink 9 1.5oz servings of 1910 Rye Whiskey and remain coherent.
AVALIABLE SPACE: Enough for 4 adults and 2 broods of foals.
NAME: Yellow
AGE: 60+ Days
GENDER: Female
FLUFF COLOUR: Dark Goldenrod
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: Royal
NOTES: Mother of four.
NAME: Royal
AGE: 60+ Days
MANE COLOUR: Dark Olive Green
TYPE: Unicorn
MATE: Yellow
NOTES: Used to be the herd’s second in command.
NAME: Yolk
AGE: 60+ Days
GENDER: Female
FLUFF COLOUR: Antique White
MANE COLOUR: Golden rod
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: N/A (Tater?)
NOTES: Used to be a fairly polite tuffie.
NAME: Tater
AGE: 61 Days
MANE COLOUR: Spruce Brown
TYPE: Earthie
MATE: N/A (Yolk?)
NOTES: Has rare white spots! Very boisterous, and loves to impress.
~Yellow’s Foals:~
Ages: 5 Days (Nu-see Nu-tawkie Nu-Wawkie Babbehs)
- Dark Goldenrod Unicorn [$0.95]
- Goldenrod Unicorn [$1]
- Royal Blue Earthie [$0.50]
- Sea Green Pegasus [$0.80]
NAME: Bread
AGE: 60+ Days
RACE: Fluffy (Alleyway, Pegasus)
SKILLS: Can count to twenty, is able to read small words.
METHOD OF ASSISTANCE: Getting other ferals to join his herd, which you can choose from.
NAME: Paige Tan
AGE: 23
RACE: Human (Biracial; Malaysian + American)
SKILLS: Rolling a good fat one, pricing, fluffy raising.
METHOD OF ASSISTANCE: Helping you out with selling your fluffies, along with giving you 10% of the profits she gets from Brick’s foals.
- Fluffmart Kibble™ [29 Days worth]
- Siwwy Sawwy Wawa Bottle!™ [1]
- Farmer Joanne Kibble Trough™ [1]
- Safety First! Inflataball™ [1]
- Fluffmart Individual Wooden Blockies [3]
- Ahuuser Inc. Sorry Stick Lite™ [1]
- Soft&Snug Budget Nestie™ [1]
- Fluffmart Litterbox™ [1]
- Fluffmart Paper Litter™ [29 Days worth]
- Safest Zone Divider™ [1]
Hey yall, sorry for the amount of time this update took and how short it is. I’ve been busy as all hell recently. Regardless, for this post I’d like yall to try and come up with names for Yellow’s foals. The submission with the most likes will win. Of course, I will reject any names that are particularly vulger. Apart from that, Have fun!
Ages: 5 Days (Nu-see Nu-tawkie Nu-wawkie Babbehs)
- Male Dark Goldenrod Unicorn [$0.95]
- Female Goldenrod Unicorn [$1]
- Female Royal Blue Earthie [$0.50]
- Male Sea Green Pegasus [$0.80]