Remember your love for sewing and start making cute costumes. Your community theater skills are coming in handy now!
Establish multiple ‘sorry boxes’ for discipline.
More than one in case of ‘joint efforts’
Get the foals ready. When they grow up, make some interview.
Does the player character ever need to sleep or poo
Waiting is best for now until the foals can open their eyes and start eating soft food like kibble mixed with milk. Until then it’s about acclimation to their surroundings and getting comfortable. Once the foals are weened allow babbeh making
Begin training of these two to serve their caretaker roles for a week.
ex: Show them how the formula station works if mother doesn’t have enough milk when you take on additional foals.
Then seek out additional foals. Maybe set up on a street corner with a container of pasta and do a ghetto ‘foals for spaghetti’ exchange. Use it as an opportunity to scout out potential interesting adult fluffies you may wish to recruit.
encourage more special huggies, horses do go into heat relatively quickly after having a foal. you can even babysit
No special huggies until said otherwise
Only when the camera is rolling!
Dress up the foals
Let everyone settle in, observe their behavior, and vlog the crap out of them, because people develop parasocial relationships easily, and it will make someone want the foals.
Also look into some kind of enfie toys or birth control or something so you don’t have to rely on the willpower of fluffies at something humans screw up all the time.