Fluffy Breeder WDYD 05 (by Booperino)


If this breeding plan fails at least you become an influencer… dunno which is harder!

What do you do?


Acquire more fluffies.

  1. No special huggies until said otherwise.

Let’s see how this will work out…


Also, accidentally fall in love with the fluffies after one of the foals calls you, “daddy”. And be unable to sell them. And just keep repeating that cycle until you have dozens of fluffies and adult protective services has to come in and forcibly take them from you.


The dick wants what the dick wants.


*wipes a tear from my eye

That’s beautiful Weasel lol


Just to maintain your budget let this small family adopt and interact with you and have observe the growth of their current foals.

Introduce them some fruits and veggies , less or no skettis the better :point_up:

If the foals are weaned and sold (if ever) then allow special huggies.


Lesse if we can find another pregnant or newly-mommed mare, either on the streets or at the shelter. Hopefully one with good colors, but temperament’s more important. (Can’t have her bullying Grove or killing the kids…)

It should be okay to leave Kirby at home and in charge of Grove/the kids, he’s smart but I doubt he’s comfortable with leaving his family just yet.

just keep repeating that cycle until you have dozens of fluffies and adult protective services has to come in and forcibly take them from you.

I just imagine coming home one day to find that our parents “tidied up our room” and threw out like 80% of our fluffies.


Calculate how long you can keep these 4 fluffies based on how much money you have left. That will let you know how long you have to sell the foals and how much you need to sell them for.


Sign up for affiliate programs for online stores.

Start learning how to do the videos well (including Livestreaming and editing) as a possible side hustle.

Library. Books. Learning for you and the fluffies.


please give kirby a tophat and a bow tie, it’ll look great


The absolute best way to build and keep an audience is consistency and sticking to a schedule.

That out of the way it is time to expand. We need more fluffies if we want to make this happen. The best bets are on mares with foals, it gives you a chance to see prejudices and let’s you scope out for bitch mare syndrome. Pregnant mares are also good because they will also be desperate but can be a lottery on foal types and attitude of the mare once the foals come. If a good relationship has been built with Kirby, bring him along. Make him look good with a good brushing if possible (I’m sure your mom has an extra or old brush laying around she won’t miss).

It is also important to think about fluffies you can flip quick to start getting income. The best way I can think of is keeping an eye on local social media group for lost fluffies. Some that really care for their lost fluffy will probably be offering rewards so could be tackling 2 birds with 1 stone, and, if for some reason the fluffy spins a horror story about the previous owner you can help them build a new look and start a new life with you. Fluffy Identify Protection Program.


More fluffies means better breeding potential and more stories for blogging. Time to search for a second family?


Make videos interacting with the foals. It’ll help get them use to people and show off their good qualities to potential buyers.


ask them about other stray fluffies they met during their time on the streets. could serve as additional stories for content, or potential recruits.


Make the product do the work for you. I’m a big fan of this thought process


“Fwuffy am pwima-donna!”


a fluffy docuseries would be dope, catch a look into the struggles of the street life for a fluffy. reserve any ‘rescues’ for this, but also look into adopting relatively normal fluffies for actual breeding purposes, as their stories wouldn’t be very interesting in comparison. Maybe could get their reactions though?


If their colors aren’t pretty enough for breeding, might as well let them help us find some who’s are


I’ve just had a devilish idea.
If we’re going for the rescue docuseries angle, we could manufacture conflict, just like those grifters that somehow keep rescuing the same dog from horribly perilous situations. adopt a fluffy anonymously, dump it in a bad part of town in a way where it doesn’t know you abandoned it on purpose, and give it some time to live through some pretty nasty stuff before you come ‘rescue’ it for collection of its stories.

Provided that you rescue it in time, you have now garnered a new sense of loyalty/appreciation and killer content for your brand. Win win

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