Fluffy Doodles - Scribble & Pixel [ CoronaryHeatingProcedure ]

So I was trying out a game called “Free Draw” on Roblox and of course I had to draw some fluffies.

Meet mummah Scribble and her foal, Pixel.

Scribble is an infertile mare and was sure she would never have any babbehs until one day she birthed Pixel. Pixel is at the “talkie” stage but their eyes wont open and they don´t talk. Their mummah doesn´t mind. She loves the little foal no matter what.

You can read their story here

Scribble & Pixel drawn by RustyNickel

Scribble & Pixel drawn by RustyNickel


really cute!!! i love the colours you used too :]

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Oof, there’s some real tragic opportunity there. A mother who can’t carry foals to term and her one living foal too underdeveloped to fully live.

But in that tragedy, the love and care that the two have for each other, it’s actually quite heartwarming.


Is Pixel a Sensitive Babbeh?

This is adorable!

I just looked it up and I would say yes, Pixel has a form of Sensitive Baby Syndrome but it isn’t as bad as in some other cases.

Pixel’s SBS only stoped their eye development and made them not use words.

The little thing can still understand their mummah and communicates by doing all kinds of noises. They can also learn just fine, be it with a little more difficulty. With the right care, they may even reach adulthood.


Ahh a prime subject for experimentation…

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Super cute! They look so warm and huggable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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