Fluffy Doodles Test (By: Fox S. )

Trying to experiment with how the heck you’re supposed to draw fluffies, I’m kinda getting it but I feel like I’m missing something, anyone got any clue?


I think it might be the snouts! Fluffies are fat little dudes and are often drawn with short snouts, think “pug” instead of “wolf”. (And of course giving them fat ole waddle bodies, like the little butterballs they are. In terms of proportions, I like to consider them a lot more like stuffed toys than animals.)

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Goodness gravy, thank you!!


Yeah i have to agree with SqueakyFriend don’t forget that fluffies are supposed to be little walking talking rat horsies.
More akin to living plushies.

Fluffies are shot fat and dumb ( for the most part)

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