Fluffy facts: extremely slow and easy to catch (Artist:Carpdime) (Fluffybooru id: 27404)


A fluffy fact that Carpdime drew back in the day. To my memory, this was one of the pictures that was deleted from the booru. Although its not a canon I see applicable to “all” fluffies, I do see Carpdime-type fluffies as mostly capable of waddling (with some clear exceptions like Buttercup)

This was used as an illustration for “The last fluffy meat farms in America.”


Well, with a reference all I can say is that fluffy is a heckin’ chonker.


There isn’t enough ugly crying art. Just, like, in general.



Not every fluffy can look like a french model like InfraredTurbines fluffies.


Well Id say Carpdimes fluffies look like Roll Royce’s in the market of cuteness!


I’m sorry. This fluffy is quite voluptuous :crazy_face::heart_eyes:


Ah so rolling is faster then.


Yes huwt fwuffy.


While I totally agree, for some reason when I think of fluffies in my head or while reading? They’re generally @Bad_Roomie’s for some reason. This is doubly odd considering I draw them myself.


Agreed, I want to see truly terrified fluffies grimacing and crying in abject fear and horror. Surprising we don’t see it enough.


Bullet finding this out: I wonder how they survived on this island?

Instead of RPing in the comments, especially with characters you created and have mentioned before, how about writing them? Or reuploading any fics you had, assuming you were from the booru.

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You should see some of the fluffies in my headcanon. Just try to catch Bolt. Go on, give it a go. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

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I do like fluffies that are a bit faster than the average. There was Waggytail’s fluffy races, which had them do more than just waddle, and one of Yehdoo’s comics worked on the premise of having a Smarty that could run away after causing trouble.

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A bit faster? A bit? Bolt is faster than most humans. He’s the fastest fluffy alive.

I was getting sick of stories depicting fluffies as fragile cowards and stubborn morons, it was starting to get old, so I wanted to go in a different direction.

I wanted to write fluffies who are heroes. Fluffies who are just as capable of being brave, noble and selfless as humans are.

Shit, I just wrote a story about a lone fluffy with no extraordinary physical abilities standing up to an omnicidal robot so his herd could escape. Is that heroic or what?


I think it’s lack of speed is a globally accepted idea

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Bad roomies fluffies are probably my absolute favorite, carpdime has some of the best world building in my opinion.

Good. The slow fucktards make easy prey to catch and abuse or whatever ideas people may have for them.

Wait…by rough estimate how fast would you say they are at full sprint…trying to visualize it for comparison :thinking: :sweat_smile: sorry if thats a weird question :sweat_smile: