Fluffy gets stuck in doggy door (by recreationalsadist)

Sandy was a feral fluffy.

A pegasus fluffy.

She was called “Sandy” because her fluff looked like sand.

Fluffies are bad at naming things.

Sandy was trotting along with her feral herd when she smelled something good.

Since she was one of her herd’s nummy-finders she set off to find the good-smelling nummies.

Sandy hadn’t gotten her position as a nummy-finder through nepotism. She had been a nummy-finder before her mother became her herd’s Smarty’s new special-friend after his first special-friend died from staring directly at the sky while it was raining with her mouth open and drowning.

Sandy went up to where the good smell was coming from. It was a human’s house.

Sandy saw a doggy door on the front door and began trying to squeeze her way through it.

Humans don’t like it when fluffies invade their houses, but Sandy didn’t know that.


Gerald was a human. A dog-owning human.

Gerald had a doggy-door on his front door so his dog could get in and out easily.

Gerald’s dog was named Ripper. Ripper liked to rip up his toys.

Fluffies are toys.

Gerald heard noises coming from his front door. He got up from his living room where he had been reading and walked into the entryway of his home.

There was a fluffy stuck in the doggydoor that was supposed to be for Ripper.


Sandy was stuck.

She had managed to get mostly through the doggy-door but her middle and wings made her unable to get all the way through. And as a fluffy she was too stupid to try to back out.

So Sandy did what all fluffies do when they’re in trouble.

She decided to make that everybody else’s problem.

“HEWP! HEWP! Sandy am stuckies! Nu can get out, HEWP! Hewp sabe gud fwuffy fwom stuckies!”


Gerald was getting more and more annoyed.

He had lasagna cooking in his oven but first he’d have to deal with this damn fluffy!

How was he going to get her out of the doggy door without making a mess on his front step or his house? Push or pull there were no good choices and he’d have to spend a long time cleaning.

Then another fluffy’s voice could be heard outside the house.


Ball was a feral fluffy.

A unicorn fluffy.

Ball had been named “Ball” by his mother because her favorite toy was a ball.

Ball’s mother had been their herd’s Smarty’s special-friend.

Sandy’s mother was the Smarty’s new special-friend.

The Smarty wasn’t Sandy’s father though. Her father had died from falling into a storm drain.

That meant that Sandy and Ball weren’t biologically related.

They were siblings though since their parents were effectively married.

One might even call them step-siblings.


Ball saw his step-sister’s rear end hanging out the back of a door in the house in front of him.


Gerald heard the fluffy outside trying to talk to the fluffy stuck in his doggy-door.

“Yu need hewp, Step-Sissy?”

“Yay! Step-Bwuddeh am hewe! Gibe pushies, Step-Bwuddeh, make Sissy stuck nu mowe!”

“Otay, wiww gibe hawdest pushies fow Sissy!”

Gerald’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening in front of him.

“NO! Dear God NO!!!”

With the crazed strength of a man determined not to watch disturbing fluffy pseudo-incesteous sex Gerald tore his front door off and set it and the fluffies on fire in his driveway.


:enfenf: :enfenf:






Wut am step bwo doin’?

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Wincest…one of the few things on my Do Not Ship list

But to each their own

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