Fluffy hate [by floofy]

Can’t we just get rid of them?


only if you kill all the fluffies
and that’s the job of not-justified abusers

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Should i go full Hitler on the fluffies? I don’t want to be like that

Dug a pit and throw em all in and cover it :smiling_imp:

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Only these smarty shits and idiot mares and babbehs

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of course not. i am just saying that smarties are not a different species. they are just fluffies with issues. you can never tell where and when a normal fluffy turns into a smarty, so the only 2 options is to either live with the fact that you will never get rid of them or get rid of every one


The first one is the perfect Hellgremlin

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Fluffies are great for scientific experimentation and supernatural shenanigans.

Humans on the other hand are just useless lawsuits waiting to happen, and their shit smells even worse when they’re left in cages overnight


That first one is a perfect example of someone/something voluntarily flying its red-flag in an unmistakable fashion. You should be thankful to see them do this because you can plan accordingly.

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