Fluffy Jobs #13: Daycare Helper (by Chikahiro)

Fur babies:


I think its more an acknowledgement of the amount of work, time, and resources kids require. It is, so far as I’ve seen a very conscious choice. Having kids because “its what you’re supposed to do” or its expected has less weight than it used to. Add in economic realities people can face? Yeah, its sensible.

Hell, I’m in my mid 40’s now, and frankly there’s no way I’m starting a family at my age. If I get married? Its either her and I and pets or her, I, and any kids she has plus pets. Ain’t starting from scratch. Not happening.


That I believe aswell. Cats aren’t (not always, at least) independent asshats. They can be loving and caring, greeting you when you’ve been away because they missed you.

P.S. I also value my cats as members of the family, put me in jail.


Its not that I can’t change your mind. But why would I when you’re so clearly thinking on the same wavelength as me regarding cats?


At the end of the day, I am not sure if I would like a talking pet. Owning something that can talk and reason would feel weird. Granted, if they got booted in the world and the alternative would be feral life, I’d still take some in.

But I’d ask them first obviously. Maybe develop more of a “friends” rather than “pets” relationship.


Another adorable job! The idea of grown fluffies teaching young ones about puberty is something I’d absolutely love to read about! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe An Actual Controversial Opinion, I Dunno

I’d never say I can’t live as fulfilling a life as my siblings who are married with children. But I don’t like the relabeling of things until words become meaningless just so others don’t feel left out.

I’d never say that parents of fur babies need to and human children. Nor would I say they can’t have happy fulfilling lives without children.

What I will say is that their family (including mine, as I just have my Bombay :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes_cat:) is a facsimile of a traditional family. And being a “cat mommy” is not the same as being a real mother (biological or adopted).

My point is, everyone doesn’t need to be brain surgeon to be impressive or successful in life. But there’s nothing to be gained in saying there’s no difference between a general practice doctor and a heart surgeon. If that comparison makes sense.

Again, I’m inventing strawmen to fight. :sweat_smile: All I’m saying is you don’t need to alter the definition of “parent” to be more inclusive. You can live a wonderful, fulfilling, captivating, happy life without ever being a mother or father, but you cannot claim to have had the same experiences and life lessons as them. That’s just not possible (or sane)


That was something in @Oculusfluffy’s story with Avocado standing up to a bully named Bullsquid. They were having, IIRC, classes talking to the young fluffies about Special Huggies and such.

Bullsquid was about to graduate from being just a bully to a justified abuse story character.


Agreed. Shall we continue on with our silly imaginary pets? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes::heart:


It’s funny how rarely this gets brought up :joy: I think the novelty of a talking pet would wear off quickly, especially with their cutesy limited vocabulary and lisp. Get old real quick :sweat_smile:

Personally, I think fluffies being able to talk is actually a point against them in fluffies being treated humanely. I’d imagine that if they were brightly colored, surprisingly intelligent and emotive cute animals, the rate of abuse would plummet. I think the fact they can speak actually ends up making them appear less intelligent than animals, not more


Crash test dummy would be the best job a fluffy could ever hope for.

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Doesn’t sound like a post @Chikahiro would make. I’ll get on it :+1:


Yeah, I’m kind of predictable that way. I’ve got a sadbox idea to work on later though.


I think I’m the most predictable mofo on this site, you at least do different boxes :sweat_smile:


It could be awkwardly… Not wholesome… Authentic? (in a pg13 sort of way) or gratuitously over detailed.


It could be awkwardly… Not wholesome… Authentic? (in a pg13 sort of way) or gratuitously over detailed.

That’s what I love about fluffies. They’re too simple to even conceptualize sex beyond “special huggies with special friends”, yet it also means they don’t see anything wrong with having them within sight of fluffies or humans alike. Like mating animals, yet done by such cutely innocent beings that they shouldn’t even have naughty bits! :laughing:


Yessss. The fun is watching something with enough intelligence to speak (badly), but incapable of more abstract thought or complicated ideas. And more than that, driven by a particularly awful set of instincts for the real world. Hugs don’t really make everything better, after all. But not if you “ask” a fluffy pony.


I could see fluffies that help at the “daycare” section of a proper fluffy butcher shop, to help keep them happy and having fun.


Also forgot to say I really like this idea and since in non-hellgremlin headcanons fluffies all love and take care of babies by default, this is just plain smart.


Given the fact people are more concerned about their food than in years past, I can see that. I’m not sure if a butcher shop is /really/ the best spot (health/sanitation concerns to say the very least, nevermind customers being jerks), but certainly on a farm or ranch. A live webcam showing the happy fluffs might be a definitely selling point there. But not too in depth lest folks get attached.

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Thank you!

Fluffy Jobs is set in a happier, nicer headcanon. I think its doable in many others, but whether its common or rare is something else.