Fluffy Jobs #13: Daycare Helper (by Chikahiro)

Thats a goodway to ensure foals gets to know more of the basics when owners not around rather stuck them on tv unattended, it may even cause trauma by accident.

At least with helpers knows the do and dont by fluffies themselves. :+1:


I disagree. Familiarity with enough cruel people in the world has taught me that they will still be cruel no matter what.

Also, I’d argue that fluffy speach and their ability to reason makes more intelligent than certain animals. But its also a problem with qualifying and defining intelligence. Consider this experiment done with a crow and a parrot:

Notice how the crow solves all its problems entirely with tools, and struggles with some problems, while the Kea naturally solves problems that require a direct approach, but takes a while to understand the use of a tool. Both birds are intelligence, but are intelligent in a different ways. Sure, an engineer is intelligent and can understand machinery, but that doesn’t make an actor who has memorized the work of Shakespeare but can’t operate machinery any less intelligent than said engineer. And likewise, it’d apply to fluffies and animals - sure a fluffy can’t do some things some animals can, but I think their ability to talk and reason, even in a cute voice and limtied speech, has to be of some value to some people.

One of my approaches towards treating fluffies is as of thinking them as part of a society, something that I’ve notice @Pinkyfluffy to have done with his depictions of fluffies being a natural part of Italian society in his canon. In one of my canons, I’ve seen the existence of fluffies as creating their own jobs for people, as well as specific jobs for fluffies as a means of additional income for certain families.

Well, those psychologists and marketers are people too! And they’re trying to get the job done.

And on that note, I feel there is a big difference between a fluffy that was born “in a workshop” from a fluffy that’s born “naturally”. But that also falls into the problems with defining fluffies, especially with how the different ways they may be created would, I think, result in different behaviours. To put it simply, I think a fresh, 100% manufactured fluffy straight from the vat would be different from a foal thats domesticated but born from successive generations of ferals that existed in the wild/alleyway.

There are some other things I’d respond to you about, but for the moment I think @Chikahiro did a better job than I could.

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@Chikahiro would you kindly be @Oculusfluffy 's correspondent and relay any messages he has for me. I greatly approve of his idea to have you converse with me rather than Oculus as you are much better at it.

I’d happily be a go between for you both @OtherCoraline and @Oculusfluffy if you’re willing to accept I might misstep between steps. I admire and respect you both as creators and contributors here :slight_smile:

That said I don’t know about tonight just because I JUST got done with yardwork, have a little family dinner and RPG night tonight too :slight_smile:


Personally, I think fluffies being able to talk is actually a point against them in fluffies being treated humanely.

I agree completely. If a dog pees on a rug, everyone understands that it’s just an animal that needs some training. But when a fluffy does it for exactly same reasons but also can verbally express those reasons, it feels infinitely more stupid for it. Like someone once put it, “Why is this creature wasting it’s limited brain capacity on talking when it’s too stupid to possibly know anything worth saying?”


Sure enough, fluffies could do stuff regular pets couldn’t, since they could understand concepts, albeit with some difficulty. Fluffies are seen drawing, singing, understanding things such as love, friendship and (usually basic) logic.

Watching a Disney movie with a fluffy would be endearing AF to have them squee in delight at the cutesy parts, while cowering near you when the bad guy seemingly wins. Watching a movie with cat is more like: cat comes over, your lap is now cat’s chair, give scratches and belly rubs, then you can watch the magic box.

But as @Foxhoarder puts it, a regular pet misbehaving is normal, a fluffy who should understand to not do that is enraging, as they should know better.


This would be so adorable… at first :sweat_smile:

The first few times it would be so fun and remind you of your childhood. But as your fluffy responds with the same bewilderment and wide-eyed wonder at the same tropes and twists (extra points for them never catching on when it’s the same movie over and over) it would get tiring fast. Also the questions. ESPECIALLY the question. Every single time

Daddeh, who dat?
Daddeh, why dey du dat?
Daddeh, am maskie hoomin same as mus-stache hoomin?
Daddeh, why am Jafar meanie to Awwadin?
Daddeh, why Weewuu an Stich nu hab babbehs? Dey nu speciaw fwiends?

And on and on. But I guess that’s the essence of fluffies. On the surface it seems so fun and cute, but once you start to think about it, problems start to bubble to the surface :sweat_smile:

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