Fluffy-Logic: The good feels . By ArisenLeaf

That’s the general principle I go with.
Every different art style is a different breed or sub species.

After all there are hundreds of different of cats and dogs breeds.
They don’t all look alike, so why should fluffies be different ?


Now that is in my headcanon :neutral_face:
Would help explain the rampant rapine in some fluffy daycares - nobody wants to do the dirty deed, everyone understands why, & they cover for each other.
Not that there is a lack of other reasons, such as the daycare model being more suited for human children, or all the other ways Hasbio™ drains the light out of their workers eyes.
Bet the UK section is big on workfare “employees”


Still doesn’t occur to anyone in fluffyverse to neuter their damn pets, I see…