Fluffy meets a real stallion by MoMlp

Unnamed pink alicorn mare meets a wild stallion for the first time. Need name suggestions maybe :grin:
“New fwend?” 🩷


Dunno about names, but I love this kind of interaction. IMO Horses and ponies would be like the ancestral gods or equivalent to Fluffies, or at least “Horsey Friend” or “NeighNeigh Friend”, so it’s always cool to see just how similar their mannerisms and behavioral traits are (like stomping, puffing cheeks etc). Horses and ponies can also be VERY childish-there’s so many videos of them messing around with each other or playing with a giant ball, only to throw a tantrum because they threw it on the other side of the fence-so it’d also be funny to see interspecies communication and play like that


I agree! I plan to draw a feral fluffy herd encountering a wild herd of horses with varying fluffy opinions. Some fluffies seeing them as amazing “big fwuffies”, some seeing them as nasty poopie fluffies due to being natural colors, and maybe even play with smarty stallion behavior in challenging the lead wild stallion (which obvi won’t end well for smarty). I also wonder if fluffies would get an uncanny feeling of looking at horses, seeing them as so familiar but yet so very different, they could be terrifying!


Sounds excellent, the multiple situations to explore here are wild! would be cool if a rejected foal/s found a place within the wild horse herd and becomes the harbinger of a new subtype (leaner and stronger build, more powerful legs etc)


I feel like theyd say howsie fwen

Cuz i dont think they even think of themselves as horse like. Just fwuffy


oh god. oh no. not a stallion

a gelding, maybe, but not a stallion


Don’t worry, in this situation it’s peaceful :sweat_smile: she meets a gentle stallion who just wants to know what the hell she is! Now if the fluffy mare was a smarty stallion giving the wild stallion a hard time, I could see him getting stomped :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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sorry, it’s just… i used to work at a stable

god, the stallions. we had to keep HUMAN women away from the damn things. they were relentless!

Oh yeah some stallions don’t deserve their jewels, that’s for sure lol I’ve met a few gentle stallions, and plenty of crazy ones who would tear down fences to try and get to a field of mares!


the stable i worked at, only the uppity rich folk owned the horses. uppity rich folk do not take good care of their horses. not only were the stallions chosen seemingly at random (and almost never actually bred) they also never got any damn exercise. so… in retrospect… that’s probably why they were a bit nuts


Poor guys, it’s sad when people get high energy animals and do nothing with them in regards to training or keeping them healthy. They just like being able to say they have a stallion without having to put the work in


I know this is gonna sound rich coming from me but I have to say. With the utmost sincerely no irony or jokes. You got it right with your original fluff style! I have no clue why you got rid of the shag carpet tummy fluff. Its super cute. I also love the way you drew the horse in this. Despite the banter and harsh criticism I gave in the previous post over your style change. You clearly have talent.

my first fluffys

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Appreciate it! I just like playing around with different styles to see what I like! I draw to amuse me, even if nobody else finds that they like it, atleast I know I had a good, relaxing time drawing it! I enjoy the criticism, even though I can be snappy in return but hey, that’s me unfortunately lol

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Thats the spirit! Im glad to hear. Theres a lot of different shapes to play with. I did the same before I found mine. To be fair you may have gotten a bit passive aggressive and snooty at times. However you’re willing to engage in banter with people who had different points of view and hotakes. Which is impressive in my book. Also to keep in line with the theme of this post. My name suggestion for her would be Cotton Candy or Bubblegum. Since shes pink and blue.

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Yeah if someone catches me on a bad day, it’s just over for me and logical thinking. I’m far from perfect and still working on myself lol and I think cotton candy is a pretty good name, I was thinking of that myself!

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I can’t seem to figure out how she would pronounce that though, so many letter for a fluffy :joy:

Could always go with shortening it to just Cotton or Candy. I imagine in fluffspeak it would be cawtun or cottin. I think Candy is pronounced the same way despite the snouts impacting their way of speaking.

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