Just got this thought, and I drew it as fast as I could.
Good stuff!!
Your art is so good and refined
I mean desperate time calls for desperate measures so…
Now thats being resourceful.
I think I’d just take a header off a bridge at that point
good stuff
Some people don’t want the easy way out (?)
Hobos usually are
She’s a hardcore survivalist in the city
Thanks! I try my best
Huh, that’s one way to warm up your hands o3o
Very creative!
…and then it dies, and your hands are wet as it cools down. ??? Profit!
The only reference I got of this sort of thing working is Bear Grills passing the night inside a corpse of a camel on a desert.
I assume the fur has enough insulation that the wetness of the fluffy wont be a problem till the night passes.
A critter big enough to get into holds heat long enough for the heat of the guts decomposing to catch up, I assume. I don’t know if it would work with a little thing like a fluffy.
Then again, how cold is cold? I grew up in Alaska, I’ve always got an eye toward really dismal conditions.
Although really, you’d get more warmth out of it by cuddling it, no loss of body heat at all. And you can still be abusive about that. (I’m genuinely not trying to hugbox on your parade, just slipping into Winter Mode.)
dude… nice!
that fluffy looks like she’s in heaven
kek! not my intention but alright.