Fluffy on a plane [By Alphamule]

A fluffy pony is seen getting strapped into a plane with a human pilot… The pony doesn’t seem nervous at all.
Scene shifts to planes taking off fast (scrambling). Everyone’s in a hurry.

They fly over the ocean and then hit the sound barrier. Again, the pony doesn’t seem to be sweating it at all.

The plane is reaching it’s target at record speeds. Our 4-legged crewmate just stares at the instruments and the view of the sky.

The human confirms the target. The Ace pony silently approves.

A missile leaves the plane. Again, the pony isn’t bothered at all.

The missile approaches it’s target. Nope, still not worrying.

The missile hits it’s target. Pony will never worry again!


This was written as scenes as from some movie or comic. Not sure where else to go with this concept. [spoiler]Deliberately left it implied the pony’s either got the mother of all poker faces, stuffed/dead, or something else left to imagination.[/spoiler]

Hmm, I wonder what kind of stories would fit a theme of Right Stuff (Monster Magnet version) and Ultra Mega (PM5K) songs, or old military movies.

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I was expecting Snakes on a Plane with fluffies.

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Yeah, Samuel L Jackson and the other passengers just trying not to get shitted on so they can arrive clean to a job interview.

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I think someone did Fluffies on a Plane, already? Herd mildly inconveniences people?

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