Fluffy ponies as food

But some of them make it look so good

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People can also make pig blood look good. Doesn’t mean it’s tasty to most people.

there is always more shit in a fluffy

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I was hoping you would chime in. Your as-food headcanon is far more developed than most


There’s an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force where Carl talks about boiling carpet and eating it and I imagine it tastes like that


I need to rewatch that

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My headcanon is similar to Fluffies as Food. I am only using the fluffydex headcanon of Fluffy Pony DNA, meaning I would find everyone have a different answer especially. I’d be lying if I said I don’t spend a literal hour a day dreaming about this.

Horse (slightly sweet meat that my research says is actually very good. Had not tried it though.) + Avian meat (Chicken like) + Pig (Pork) + Goat + Dog (Dark Red meat, Fragrant, and more meatier taste then beef) + Cat (light red meat, texture like fish or slightly more gamey chicken + Rabbit. So if we combine these things, focusing more on the horse aspect we would get a sweet meat that is very tender, and potentially fatty due to their poor digestion.

Then if I think of the … body of a Fluffy, they are very easy to kill, hilariously so. This leads me to believe they are rather fragile, so their meat would potentially be soft. I

My reasoning for this is Fluffy Ponies were designed by Hasbio to be child friendly, unable to hurt them so they would not have much muscular strength as another reason I categorize them as soft. Possibly too soft even…

To help offset it, would be how I feel stress would affect Fluffy meat.

If Stress also can contribute to weight loss, it would affect and balance away their fattiness. I did some minor half assed research to see if stress has any affect on meat and it does. It has been known to affect tenderness and make it tougher, in the case of fluffies would actually be a good thing. Of course, the opposite may be true as well.

Then there is the whole subspecies of fluffies (Earthie, Alicorn, Pegasus, Unicorn and if you count Aauafluffs, etc) … Mainly because some subspecies are considered a little tougher?

Either way, to stop rambling about how own daydreaming and homework, I consider Fluffies in a base state as a Sweet Light and Dark meat depending on where with an amount of fattiness in.

… Now I am going to be daydreaming about this for another hour again. Fuck…