Remember kids, say NO to racism! We’re all crayons with different beautiful colors!
I had thought of this little funny idea while I was at work a month ago. I even told a friend who was into the Fluffy Community, he thought it was VERY funny!
This had taken me a month to finish about two pages, so I hope you guys like it! I certainly had fun making it
Honestly, I’m wholeheartedly impressed with seeing this in final form, cause we know this has been at least two months in the making!
Way to stick with it, it looks fantastic!
That was a really nice comic, stylistically. I love your art style, it’s very developed. The storyline was generic, but sometimes generic stuff can be good–it’s popular for a reason. I don’t really like politics in fluffy, and unfortunately there was a good helping of race politics in this one. But the art was good enough that I can mostly overlook it.
Keep up the good work, and maybe keep in mind that too much political stuff can drag down an otherwise good comic or story.
Insert video of anti racism song, while a bunch of different abusers, from all ethnicity, culture, age and gender, hold hands singing it while stomping and kicking fluffies