fluffy porn connoisseur crossover [feat. FederalChemical1728 ocs] [dumbiestass]

long ass title, my bad, my bad. anyway i drew the gay shit (not new to me, no one is surprised). maverick and nycota belong to @FederalChemical1728 ! and cutie is my very own bottom boy.

cutie is a mini (not micro) breed, he is fully grown, just for context.



  • deep inhale -

AWWWWWWWWW my little gay ponies have made a new friend <33333
how can something be so cute but so lewd at the same time???
i never knew Cutie was so tiny!!! he’s giving me the exact kind of Cuteness Aggression that fluffies are meant to incite :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: i just wanna toss him to my entire pirate herd and watch them pile on the love

man i love the way you draw fur and hair and eyes and goddamn just everything bruh


Oh sweet baby Jesus, this is amazing OwO


thank u!! v fun to draw ur oc fluffy hybrids and v content always to have cutie getting his asshole opened, god bless, get that ass ruined lil fella :pray:

i have an obsession w making short twinky characters and even fluffies are no acception

would love to see more of pirate crew from ya as well, i love ur style