Fluffy Punishment: "Buwnie Hewties Oil" (Methyl Salicylate Camphor+Menthol Oil) by Mikahorsie

One Possible punishment for Belligerent Fluffies, Bitch mares and Smarties is “Methyl Salicylate Camphor and Menthol Oil”.

Simply Apply a thin coating of the oil on a Fluffy’s skin ( Best done on a freshly Shaven area) and watch the Fluffies writhing in agony.

Best applied on the stomach and Genital area and watch the fluffy helplessly try to reach for the area and cry in pain… Some fluffies are even known to try to bite said area which only spread the oil to their face.



What does these chemicals do? Just stimulate burns or straight up cause it?

It’s known to cause a cooling yet burning sensation that is commonly used by people as a massage oil. They are essentially Eucalyptus and Peppermint oil.

The more extreme concentration of this oil is known to cause some mild chemical burns to sensitive skin…


Ooof freezer burn sensation stimulation

What’s worse is that if any Fluffy tries to help the Punished Fluffy, the oil can be transferred via physical contact (Huggies or Enfies) which would cause the substance to seep into their fluff and skin…


Yikes… the best way i can imagine the sensation is like when you put vaporub on your upper lip you feel this cold irritating sensation the whole time… places with tgin skin may be the most vulnerable

Super effective. And hilarious.

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Delightfully Evil, I love it!

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Oh, I’ve had this before, fuck it itches so bad if you don’t shower afterwards

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Very nice and good way to punish bad fluffies


What did this fluffy do in particular to earn itself a chemical bath?

It’s a Smarty


I have experienced first hand what this feels like when miss applied when I put peppermint oil in a bath rather then rosemary when I was sick as a child ohh were that I could smell the oil before I got in lol