Fluffy Rehabilitation Program- Milkbags [VanDerHagen]


i tried to draw this on the computer but i physically couldn’t it just looked too bad

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Nice augmentation!

“Cum on babbehs, wewe invading Howff. Dis’ am Empewow wand now!”

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“Mummah, can babbeh hab miwkies!”

“Couwse babbeh, howd on”

(Cue 15 straight minutes of Whhhrrrrrr as she slowly lowers herself to ground level)


with orange spinning lights and that peep that some trucks make when they go backwards

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she has to take a WD-40 bath every week or she’ll get stuck halfway down


She’s so much happier now! Great job!

i feel a fluffy cant be trusted with legs that long. it’s gonna faceplant hard enough to kill it at that height.


More opportunities for experimentation

Looks like she’s running on legs made of horse dicks. I love it.

It’d be better to give her treads like a tank attached to a harness that will let her adjust her position relative to the treads to simulate things like sitting, standing, standing up on backhooves, and laying down.