Fluffy shipping box by ShititsMe

Look at all the abusers who kill perfectly good mares instead of turning them into breeding pillows. Look at the abusers who kill every herd that wanders into their garden instead of just fluffy-proofing the damn fence.

It’s not about profit or practicality, it’s about pointless cruelty.

I mean, if Hasbio cared about the foals at all, they wouldn’t be shoving them into cans.

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See, the issue is that once you’re a publicly traded company there is no higher goal than profit. It is the sole purpose, and ever policy advances that goal.

Companies with “values” like Chik-fil-A are private. That’s the only kind of company that ever will have actual “values”. Everyone else donates to crippled kids because the CEO is a pedophile, or supports cultural exchange so they can work minority groups to death in factories in nations with oppressive regimes, or touts a commitment to political harmony because they manufactured a culture war.

If a company owned exclusively by Christians but listed on the exchange were to find out Jesus had the second coming it would be their goal, and moral imperative to their shareholders AKA the only people on Earth who matter, to cut off his arms and legs and stick him in a vat where they can extract genetic samples in order to clone Jesus 2.0 babies in order to grind them up and sell them to Catholics as premium communion wafers.

Morality is subjective. But the profits are ordained. Any cruelty is justified so long as it is legal, or at least you won’t be caught, or at least the profit exceeds the fines and the scapegoats cannot wriggle out of their sacrifice.

My objection is the profitability, and the moral outrage that a company would put anything above late stage capitalism.


We’re talking about a world where a surprisingly large percentage of the population took to torturing small, childlike pig-horses for no real reason other than “they’re there”. It really wouldn’t be a surprise if there were people like that on the board going out of their way to ensure that people like them have a steady supply of victims, regardless of profit.

In real life? Yeah, it would be wildly impractical and not very profitable. The logistics just wouldn’t make sense.

But we aren’t talking about real life.

Everything about fluffies requires suspension of disbelief.

That’s not unrealistic in any way.

Kots Kaal Pato is an annual Mexican festival about beating small animals, usually possums and ducks, to death. Including ripping off their limbs and leaving them to scream in the streets. It was “banned” in 2016 but the ban was in name only.

Farra do Boi is a Brazilian festival where you remove the eyes of an ox and light it on fire then let it loose in a field.

Toro Jubilo is the same thing except its Spain and a bull.

There’s the Lychee and Dog Meat Festival, notorious as the Chinese dog eating holiday, which became worse after it was “banned” and now routinely involves the intentional torture of the dogs as a show of defiance against authorities and foreign/Chinese nonregional concerns, who haven’t cracked down on the festival because the political repercussions are expected to be substantial for something the party doesn’t care much about.

There’s a LOT of smalltime celebrations and practices as well. Take it from me that crucifying living animals like coyotes and marmots is commonplace practice in many rural communities.

The first federal law protecting animals in any way was only passed in 1958. One of the most popular drinking songs in the US for the first fifty years was about finding a dog to beat the shit out of to make yourself feel better until you have a wife and kids to replace it.

Everything about fluffies requires suspension of disbelief.

True. But its still a nagging concern.
The systemic cruelty feels more complete for lack of a better word when it makes perfect logical sense.
Implausibility is fine for “because fuck you” hobbyists. Implausible corporate actions feel like a story of an Abuser mercy killing a Fluffy then torturing the corpse. .

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Would all those people still be doing it if the animals could beg them for mercy?


More people have the stomach and inclination to kill each other than animals afterall.

It would let people reason their torment, and remove a layer of innocence.

“You exist for my pleasure” is already touted along religious contexts for tormenting animals, and was used to justify chattel slavery and indentured servitude as well. Genetic engineering just adds an extra layer.

Its why I plan to write in that modification happens in almost all humans. Its just hypocrisy and justification.

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What if the animals begged for mercy in a child’s voice?

People might not have a problem killing animals, or adults, but there are hardened killers who draw the line at killing kids.

If the animal pleads for mercy in a fluffy’s voice, would they still do it? It’ll probably press those psychological buttons an actual kid begging for mercy would press.

but why use alot lot of stuff in the package for something that it is more disposable as like feminine towels? even if it is a premiun foal and everything.

btw, having a litter box inside of a box with that creature in it is not quite a good idea, knowing how people from some mail company handle some packages and mail, it won’t be surprise that the whole piss and shit that was on the litter box ended up spread all around the box and mixed up with the food and water. probably the foal might get dirty too, but i already say these where really disposables.

tho, the idea is kinda cool.

I still doubt it.

People can convince themselves of anything, and if society says a Fluffy is a toy, doesn’t feel real emotions, and so on then it’ll be like those studies on morality, guilt, and psychology using video games.

Most folks take middle of the road choices with minimal harm unless they feel its justified and react poorly to finger wagging, a minority of people do the evil choice and exhibit reactions like increased handwashing and increased financial caution associated with guilt but also have a reduction in stress hormone and show less aggression otherwise, and the smallest minority as fucking saints who will go to the ends of the Earth for their positive outcome including breaking rules and rewriting the system but show the most aggression in real life of any group.

Most folks would probably ignore them or do simple kindnesses but vote for humane-ish population control and kill the worst examples. But plenty of folks would make a hobby of torturing them like vidya NPCs and some folks would be like the original PETA raid and eventually get them some basic rights.


I love this I was looking for something to help inspire my next step I appreciate you!