Fluffy Snacks & Sweets (Juice)

I grew up with a Grandpa who spoiled me occasionally with a juice brand here called Bug Juice. And drinking it is a very fond memory of mine.

So I thought about drawing juice for both fluffs and humans. Because why not I guess…? This is probably full of sugar just like the real shit. But I’m sure it tastes sooo freakin’ good so it’s worth it.


I love Bug Juice! That and Tum-E Yummies are my favorite gas station treats! :slight_smile:

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Bug juice is the best


The really, really good fluffies get this stuff.

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Never heard of it! Is it an American drink? We have panda pops here which remind me of my granny, my brother drank like three of the blue ones and then had his first asthma attack!! AHH, memory’s!!


I think it’s only here in America. It’s not everywhere though. Sometimes you gotta go to the sketchy gas station to find the sweet Bug juice. But it’s worth it.


Pretty useful for fluffy training

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