Fluffy sub-species: Fluffy-Cow (by: Beast)

Ohh this is cute :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: a good milk producer and it can be used for human consumption.


-lifts a suitcase on the table

-Opens it

-Revealing 500 ffb s

We have a deal?

(If you did not know, ffb = Fictional Fluffy Bucks, that i use as the currency of the fluffy world, where ted and other fluffy characters live)

(Its kinda like real money, but fictional, and earned by ted )

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Doctor Marbas with his wide demonic grin-oh what is this unique creature-lifts glasses walking to the cows fluffy-I must have it how much-sees case-if it hasn’t been sold yet

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-The man across the table grins as he takes the suitcase

I think we have a deal Mr. Blueshirt

(This isn’t an adoption of this specific fluffy exactly, however I’m open to the idea of you using fluffy-cows in your works. I’d love to see you depict them and how they would interact with your fluffy chickens.)


(Doctor Marbas)aww well I guess there’s always next time-walks away lighting a cigarette stopping next to buyer smiling his signature grin-congrates there-continues walking out

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You can still use fluffy-cows in your works, there was just a bit of showmanship with Ted. The only thing I feel uncomfortable with is pure abuse.


Neat idea! And cute. In my headcanon, they just invented a highly nutritious formula. There are fluffies engineered to have fluffier fluff, but I didn’t do something like this, because I thought going with formula would be less cruel than milking fluffies. You’d basically have to keep impregnating them over and over again, otherwise they won’t produce milk, that’s how it works with actual cows. Or literally any female lifeform that lactates. I mean, human women aren’t constantly leaking breast milk all over the place.


I never abuse a fluffy cow, these I need for ice cream, butter, macho cheese, yogurt and milk for my cereal, but the foals need more than me because the mother pick the bestest babbeh



Trufflehunter or meat?

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No Babbehs necessary.

You just need a Fluffy to suck their dry teats long enough to milk.

So find a pervert.