Fluffy Update Crafting Recipes (DreamMLP)

Did some more experimenting with textures to lay out the three recipes mentioned in the Fluffy Update post.

A foal in a can. Craftable with 1 foal, a bucket of fluffy milk, 2 iron ingots, and a glass pane. Can be sold to breeder villagers for an average of 10 emeralds.

Sketti. Craftable with a bowl, wheat, beetroot, and a diamond. The beetroot will be replaced with the new tomato in an upcoming patch. The diamond is required otherwise the fluffy won’t see it as “real skettis”.

Sorry stick, for your misbehaving fluffies.


Might want to look into supporting some of the food stuffs added in mods like Pam’s Harvestcraft for feeding fluffies.

Also tiered sorry-sticks would be nice. Paper in a diagonal line gets you a ‘hasbio sorry-stick’, basically a cardboard tube, then regular ones, iron ones, glass-embedded sorry sticks, etc.

Heck you could take a note from Forestry and implement full genetics and breedable traits in fluffies.


So could you also make this fluffy mod for Bedrock Edition? Not just Java Edition

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All I know how to do is edit textures, which is what I’ve done here

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I was planning on using Terrafirmicraft’s breeding system if I ever did

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Oh God I would love to see this on Switch. I dunno if that’s possible.

Aw, minecraft modding is pretty straightforward now that you have stuff like Forge and Fabric out there to handle some of the backwards bits.

Just find yourself a decent Java tutorial and check out how open source mods like OpenBlocks do things and you’d be on your way.

Assuming you’re interested of course.

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You can’t mod bedrock. Add-ons are not the same and don’t support what you’d need.

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Not really sure if I even have the time with other projects. I could def contribute textures since those don’t take too long, but if someone else wants to volunteer to actually code the thing I’d be happy to help

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actually looks like other people also had the idea: Reddit - Dive into anything

… Well, fuck. I bought bedrock edition (Windows 10 edition) by accident at the Windows Store.

Awww oh no!

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now i want to bring back fluffies x minecraft

yo can you add this mod on cursed forge so I could download it? i would love to play this mod

It’s not a mod, just pitching ideas mostly

Awh that’s sad but cool

we need it to happen on pc

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I mean if you can find some java programmers with way too much time on their hands

I mean that mod that was happening on smartphone that’s halfway done

The Java people can probably help with that too

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