Fluffy wins a trip to Yuggoth(by:Tyndalo8825)


I hope the publication has not been repeated


I love Mi-Go.


I like the Foxhoarder-ish style fluffy.

The Mi-Go is a devotee of the Shining Trapezohedron, it seems.
Might even be a fluffied slave drone, the better to mock us with.


The fluffy brain, such as it is, is too small and crude to be placed in a brain cylinder…

So the Mi-Go just crams the entire fluffy in there.

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It could be that they end up being transported or they could also fill the brain cylinders with many fluffy brains as if it were a jar of olives.


Heh, that’s a great image.

And I know the mi-go don’t eat brains, but now I can’t help imagine one of them spearing fluffy brains with one of those olive picks and casually eating them out of the cylinder, while reading a book or something.


Considering the fluffy absurd fertility, Hasbio is clearly a corporate front for a cult of the Black Goat of the Woods.

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Migo: Awwww, you’re sweet! :heart: Thank you!

Migo: “Devotee?” Well, I DID date him briefly. Does that count?

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Migo: I have to! It wouldn’t keep still in the fridge otherwise. I mean, what’s the big “ish” with our Yuggothian cylinders? They’re just Tupperware.

Migo: HEY! You been spying on me when I’m studying!? You’d better not let Lu find out. You’d be in BIG trouble then!

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Ah. So that was Ms. Mi-Go before the implants.
Have we found yet another embarrassing picture from the Girls adorable natal stage?

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M: Ex-kuh-YOOZMEE!!?? IMPLANTS? Listen, li’l Buddymister, these babies are NATURAL.

I can’t show a baby picture of Migo, since as an infant she was a spore, and those are microscopic.

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