Fluffybooru Butthurt Advisory System (Artist: Mutagen) (Fluffybooru id: 29793)

went to live on a nice farm upstate with gay roommate


oh…what does that mean

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he’s around, though i’m not sure if he knows about this site or not. we unfortunately drifted apart from him over time and it’s been a while since anyone from the old days has hung out with him as far as i know.

as far as him leaving the booru goes, i think it was much the same as a lot of the older users; he just got tired/disillusioned whatever you wanna call it.


Personally, I’m always at Defcon Potato.

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aichi plz cum back we ned u!!! redditorz r taking ovur teh communiteh!!!1!1!!!11! pls ban now 2014 best year!!!


this but unironically