Fluffybooru Butthurt Advisory System (Artist: Mutagen) (Fluffybooru id: 29793)


A meta post drawn by Mutagen back around about 2013 to 2014, and was made as a reflection of the state of fluffybooru at the time. The picture also references various memes, shitposts and dramas that happened in the earlier years of Fluffybooru. For a while, most of this picture remained a myster until @General_Lemon provided some additional information and background regarding the rest of information.

For the topics I am familiar with:

RH, or Russian_Hugboxer, was as the name described, but was also known to be very combatitive and aggressive. In addition, RH was willing to draw art of animal abuse as well as human abuse, in addition to human x fluffy sex that would definitely be controversial. Most famous for a giant anthro fluffy OC. RH was banned by Aichi for a while due to a real life animal abuse incident (which I shall not describe here).

Quickhorn: A well-known name within the fluffy community as his art has been posted on the subreddit so often, and appears quite often (heck, one of the first peices I saw was by Quickhorn). Thing is, Quickhorn drew up a fuss over some things on the booru. The common account is that there was too many anthro posts, one account on /trash/ has a different view on his departure. Whatever the case, he deleted all his artwork from Fluffybooru, and asked to be on DNP for fluffybooru and even derpibooru. Word had it that he was active on the fluffy community on Vk, but hasn’t been seen in a while.

The rest of the information shall be provided below by @General_Lemon


Now with regards to the statement about Indonesia.

Young kid, right? Had to be like 14 maximum. One day during a Saturday Fluffcast he was commenting about how much it sucked living in squalor like he did in the chat. He also commented on his autism. And how when he jerked off, he’d just clean himself up with his bed sheets and they never really got washed all that much. He commented on how some of it would flake off as hard, sharp and pointy bits that he could use as throwing stars. Which lead to us joking about how Indonesian Autism is actually a secret martial art, and how he was training for the national tournament.

It helped that Taufan said that “Indonesian Autism is different than American Autism.” And so began the joking.

It was one of those things that was absolutely hilarious at the time when the kid was explaining himself, but has not stood the test of time.


Regarding the “Crappy Abuse/Hugbox Edits” part of the Pucker Pounded window: Part of the users fighting over who was the rightful heir to the interests of the booru would frequently take other peoples works and then edit them (rather terribly) to fit their idea of what it should be. It was seriously a problem when enough people got angered, because then we’d have really shitty works posted. Especially the rather blandly thrown together shit from Abuse-sir getting buttmad over Santanon trolling them.


As far as the eye could see, Russian users were predominately anti-hugbox. They also drove a user off the site “Because she was woman with large cow-tits.” Many of 'em didn’t like women being in their boys club. Especially women who clapped back.


The “M-MUH BOORU” comment was a matter of people complaining even then that they were the “True voice, and true opinion” of the booru and where it should’ve gone. While people argued over who was right and who was wrong, we’d had quite a few instances of death-threats lobbed about in private. That shit didn’t fly, but some users didn’t understand to report it when it came up and that, too, drove away users. On other occasions, users that weren’t liked would get sent videos of actual animal abuse, and I’m not talking about factory farming. I’m talking “Personal Collection” kind of stuff.


Now, about aichi plz / defcon potato / call your mom and cry.

That was the best part. While the “Comparisons to RH or Quickhorn” statement was with regards to people writing nearly identically to them, THAT was even better.

When the Russian users on the community got absolutely fucking rat-fuck angry over something as simple as being told “That’s stupid” or some hugboxer defending their work from them, they’d always say “Aichi plz, Aichi plz ban user, not good user.” They would get so absolutely twisted over people defying them that they’d try contacting the highest authority they could on the booru that was active (Aichi) and beg him to ban people. In their own way, the large majority of Russian users on the booru were our flavor of Australian users on 4chan.

The defcon potato part was about the common joke that Aichi himself perpetuated about his love of potatoes. That man was practically 80% potato, 20% Scottish. He’s well over 6’8" tall. That’s a lot of fuckin’ potato.

Call your mom and cry is a reference that loops back around to the first part: Getting so upset about something that they complain to their mother to make it stop/go away/get help. A classic trope.


I’ll be fielding any questions anyone else has. While I was an absolute “Who?” on the booru, I was the guy who knew, or tried to know, the users in the fluffy pony fandom. My time spent keeping up came to an end in the middle of 2016, and I also had a computer that was set to archive images and text posts up until March of 2017, however that poor bastard has been having trouble turning on.


All of you are very lucky that it’s bed time in Russia right now. Ooga booga


Man. I’m old enough to remember when this was first posted. The nostalgia is real.


Hey Rex, how’ve ya been?

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Indonesia’s national martial arts tournament begins.

I need context for this joke.

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@StoneRouge Lemon already explained it earlier:

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I saw Indonesia and thought immediately of Taufan. I don’t reminsce much but that really brought back a lot of memories!


Im blue, but thats because I had a three cabbage type salad for lunch and watermelon after dinner.

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Pretty good, you? I’m assuming you remember me.


@Oculusfluffy & @General_Lemon

Thank you very much for the explanation. As someone who found the booru not long before it got yeeted, it’s nice to read what kind of stuff that happened in the fandom in its early days and heydays.


You best hope that nobody takes that out of context.


if someone take that out of context, they will be correct


Fuck that was a Rollercoaster from start to finish, I’m gonna need a few minutes to process all of this… and probably some comfort potatoes


Doing alright, and IIRC the last time we spoke was in the last incarnation of the fluffpile on skype before discord became the new gold standard. Something like 5 years ago.

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Depends on what you define as out of context.


That sounds about right. Good to see you again anyway, mate.


Oh, and thats only the first half of the fandom, up to about 2015. There’s still the 2015 to 2020 area thats still relatively unexplored and murky on the timeline.


what happened to aichi

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