Fluffys are toys after all. Part 1 (By:WhatAmIDoing)

For those of you who have read some of my previous story’s this is the background for the character I use. Who’s name btw is Drum roll Olivia. Realized I hadn’t said it since her stories are always in first person. Also, you don’t need to read those stories to read this one.)

People always say that good people go first, and I agreed with them after the passing of my mother at the age of six. Everyone in the community called her a saint who was gone far too soon. It’s hard for me to recall the funeral, I only remember my mom laying in a box and how itchy the dress was that my father made me wear. I didn’t understand the concept of death yet, so it was confusing to watch so many people, most I didn’t even know, cry over my mother like they were all so close.

I knew things would be different, after all not having my mom there changed a lot of things but the last thing, I actually expected it to change was my school life. At first kids stayed away from me, I could always hear their whispers about how I was the girl who had lost their mom. I could feel pity from all of them but my teacher the most, she showed more attention to me and the pity from my fellow student suddenly turned to jealousy and like that it was turned into me being some sort of weirdo over something I couldn’t even control. Some kids still just stayed away why others made it a hobby to mention my mother in any conversation they could, the fact was I had no friends, not that I really wanted to be friends with brats.

Honestly, I wasn’t too worried about it, but my father was. My mothers passing made him constantly worried about me. If I even got a minor cold, he seemed to panic and get a doctor but my social life, or lack of, seemed to worry him to. “How are the kids at your school?” “Don’t you have any friends?” “Do you want friends?” Were the questions I was constantly asked every week, I started to enjoy when he went back to work and kept busy. He was the owner of a fluffy breeding factory, a very successful fluffy breeding factory. I didn’t really have much interest in it but I guess he finally couldn’t take being alone, if you could call me being alone with a maid, butler, and gardener as me being alone, without someone to play.

He popped the question on the spring break while I was drawing. “How do you feel about getting some fluffys?” He asks. A fluffys? Why in the world would I want one of those. When mom was still alive, he constantly complained about the things and called them shit rats. “Uhmmm…” Was all I could say in response at first but as I looked at my dad I couldn’t help but sigh. He was smiling but I could see what looked like desperation in his eyes, just wanting to make sure I was happy and not alone. “Okay.” I say and his smile seemed more genuine. “Great! I’ll take you to the fluffy mart I sell to tomorrow.” He says happy and relieved I said yes. I just nod agreeing but didn’t realize how much of a mess the fluffys would be.

The next day just as promised he took me to a fluffy mart. I had heard other kids excitedly talk about the store but still didn’t really know what to expect. As the sliding doors opened I would immediately hear a bunch of fluffys. “New fwend?” “New Mummah?” “Babbeh wuv you!” The sounds almost gave me a headache as I looked at rows of enclosures for the fluffys. There were also miniature fluffys and on the shelves different fluffys that seemingly were supposed to be special. Stuff like a designer fluffy, mummah surprise, and foal in a can. There was even a claw machine in the corner which honestly seemed a bit problematic when I realized you used the claw to pick up foals.

My dad led me to the back past all the fluffys still babbling and fluffy supplies. He took me to a room and opened the door. “Go ahead, pick out what ones you want.” He said. I went inside not knowing what to expect but then saw a bunch of fluffy family’s in the room and all of them quickly ran over talking about their babby, special friends, and whatever else to convince me to adopt them. It was almost overwhelming, but I took a deep breath and decided to look at my options.

First up was a family that colors weren’t very appealing. “Hewwo.” A puke green fluffy greeted me his special friend was brown and pillowed, she seemed more shy but smiled as a few bad colored foals went over to see me. “New mummah?” They ask and I frowned. “Uhh no…” I said not wanting this family at all. The foals looked sad and wanted to know why. “Uhmm, I don’t like your dad’s color.” I state not sure what else to say but the truth. The foal’s began to cry. “Hatechue daddah! Hatechu!” The foals cried as did the dad.

I quickly moved on from them to another family. A blue unicorn stallion held his head high as I approached, a small red foal beside him did the same. “Fwuffy am weady fow new home and wuv!” It said confidently which caught me a bit off guard. “Are you both boys?” I asked to which they both nod and I walked away not wanting all boys. Their confidence immediately dropped, and they began to cry.

“Hewwo, wan see sensiteb babbeh?” I stopped a bit caught off guard. sensitive baby? What did she mean? I looked down at her and her foals.

She didn’t look awful, in fact she was kind of cute for a fluffy. “Sensiteb babbeh so siwwy wook.” She says and I looked at the purple foal. It was trying to suckle on the mothers’ hoof instead of her tit. I frowned as I started to realize sensitive baby equaled moron

Still I stayed as she showed me her other three foals “This one am bestes babbeh!” She states as at the fat pink thing that stood next to its mother. I didnt care much for it but its man seemed very soft and curly which I wasnt used to seeing on fluffys.

“Dat am wittle dancie babbeh.” She continued. Now this ones colors I liked and its little dance was again kind of cute for a fluffy. I cound myself sitting down beside them and pick it up as it cooed at me. “Wuv you.” The little dancie babeh said which got a smile out of me

Than I saw the mother gently nudge one over. “Dis is mummah poopeh babbeh but mummah sill wuv.” She explained as I looked at the brown thing. I found myself liking this one as well as it had spots, I had never seen spots on a fluffy before. “Wow your cool.” I say picking up the brown one as the poopy baby cooed at being showed love and attention.

My father opened the door so I put the foals down and went over to him. “Find some you like?” He asks as I made him talk with me outside the room. “Yeah, dad I did but…” I stopped thinking about my words as my dad waited patiently. “It’s just this family has a sensitive baby and honestly it seems like too much work, but I like the mom and her other three foals.” I explained as I felt guilty at the thought of separating them. My father laughed a bit. “Oh, dear that isn’t a problem, we can just take the mother and the three foals you do want.” He assured me. “But… Doesn’t that baby need its mom?” I ask and he laughed a bit again. “Of course, not my dead, after all fluffys are just toys, not animals.” He assured me.

Olivia doesn’t see this

A worker came into the room. The child had finally picked a family. He picked up the mare and foals by their tails. “SCREECH NU HUWT MUMMAH AN BABBEHS!” She screamed and he rolled his eyes. “Oh,

shut up. You’re getting a home.” He states as he put them on a table. The mare’s ears perked. “Weally? Mummah an babbehs have home?” She asks excitedly as the babys cheered as well. “Yes… but your new mummah dosnt want your bad baby.” He states and smirks as the mare got confused. “B-bad babbeh? Mummah hav no bad babbehs.” The mare assured the worker, but the worker pointed to the sensitive baby. “Oh yes you do, you see your sensitive baby is a bad baby and bad baby dont get homes or love.” He states and the mare started to cry. “Huu huu no wan wuv an home an sketties.” She crys as her foals started to cry to. The pink foal even went over to give the sensitive brother sorry hoofies but the mummah stopped her. “W-wha we do with sensibe babeh?” The mare asks and the worker smirked wider. “Throw it on the floor.” He states as the mare looked confused. “It needs to die, if you want a new family than you have to get rid of bad babbys.” He states. The mare cry’s some more but took a deep breath. “Sorry sensiteb babbeh bu you bad babbeh so mummah hatechu.” She states as she picked it up by its scruff and dropped it off the table and onto the floor. The sensitive baby chirps and peeps at the sudden rejection and pain in one of its legs from hitting the floor. Luckily its pain wouldn’t last very long as the worker took it upon himself to finish the job.


Well, the poopie lived but on the other hand, the sensitive got crushed. I suppose you can’t have everything in this world.



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The… the dancie bebbeh is the one they like? They SPARE the dancie bebbeh?

I’m confused! I’m scared! Somebody help! I’m having a panic attack! Someone needs to pillow the dancie bebbeh fast before… oh no! My heart! I’m going into cardiac arrest HUUUURGHHH


XD She is a child after all

It suppose to have spots so having a patterned fur increase his market value i guess

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I hope this is just the beginning and all that pack has the same destiny

I enjoy what I can read of this, but it really needs paragraphs and new lines when new characters speak.

What do you mean?


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Like if you open up a novel, you will find that when a new character speaks, a new paragraph starts, like so:

“Weally? Mummah an babbehs have home?” she asks excitedly as the babys cheered as well.

“Yes… but your new mummah dosnt want your bad baby.” He states and smirks as the mare got confused.

“B-bad babbeh? Mummah hav no bad babbehs.”

This helps keep from having big blocks of text or wondering if the same character is still talking. You also change from describing things happening in the present to them happening in the past sometimes. You aren’t doing a bad job, it just needs some more formatting.

Oops XD yeah that was supposed to say dear

Ah alright, thank you. Yeah I’m still practicing and will try to do better in part 2