Flugora (by: FallenAngel)

You can “transfer plant” them to pots and tell them your sending them to a “pwetty” wand with lotsa bwight ball.

And when time to look for ferals , have her sing her horrible song to attract em, put ear plugs and pull her forcefully from the pot and wa-la! Dead ferals

That would be an anti feral prefer to teach them not to “num” your pets :point_up::flushed:

Hope to see you do more of your garden/food fluff :blush:

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It would be great! I have some ideas, I hope I have enough time to carry them out :wink:

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I was Also thinking of a lilly pad foal that i am tempted to make ya


You could go the cheaper route, but then you’d miss out on it complaining about how the wawa is giving it worstest burnie hurties.

As an added bonus, it’d make any other fluffies who see it even more afraid of water than before.

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I know it’s tagged as weirdbox and it’s supposed to be an annoying little fuck… but all this set up feels more like horror to me… A plant that can crawl out of the soil, mess your garden, make animals sick and kill fluffies by screaming is op af.

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It can be considered as a pest needed to be wipe out or used it before eliminating it. :grin:


Awww this reminds me of my old Japanese Garden Fluffiest.

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This is a subspecies worth exterminating with extreme prejudice. Making them suffer would be much fun.

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Still planning a short on this one, still of used and can be discarded later :rofl:

If it ever has to cross the Waluigi Stadium ring of fire, the earth will simultaneously:
go into nuclear armageddon
cause rapture
destroy the universe
send a gamma ray blast from it’s screaming

Well another simple option to kill it is with fire.



We have the solution.

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Its been a while , how are ya? :blush:

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Had a bit of a rough few years and had to take a bit of a break but overall fine now. Happy to see you’ve been doing great work that i need to seriously catch up on!

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How ya been, buddy?

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Oh y’know, been trying to survive and all the complications that come from that. Glad to see the community humming along.


Definitely missed y’all.


Have you met Migo and Lulu yet?

There are several installments thus far…I think the count is up to 11.

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