Fluufy cheese omelet (carniviousduck


mmmm, scrumptious and full of screams, just like ma used to make


I’m such a hugboxer that when I read Fluffy Cheese Omelette I assumed the omelette had cheese made from fluffy milk.


I feel like I recognize that menu font from somewhere.

Eww you made me gag :eww:
Such a disturbing concept

Yep, thats about right. Not to be mistaken for ‘cheese fIuffy omIette’ which is made with a cheese fIuffy and is basicaIIy just a cheese omIete

The flavour’s best when the fluffy is still alive!

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I think I’m going to make myself a leggie bacon omelet tomorrow.

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You can really taste the fear sadness and anguish!

Is the carnivorous sauce a hot sauce or something else entirely, I’d really like to try it.