Fly Tipping (TG_89)

Oof, this is brutal. I actually feel bad for the fluffy.

(Folks in the northern hemisphere, this is your reminder to give your animals shelter, shade, and a LOT of water! It gets dangerous out there.)


I hate people who treat animals as disposable. Are there any groups or individuals who help save animals abandoned in your area?


There’s an animal shelter, not too far from where I live but rather than drop their unwanted pets there. They just think it’s easier just to leave them by the road. It sucks considering my dad heard about an event. A couple saw two dogs left on the road, the shelter found one of the dogs, but the other was not with them.


Oh, no. Poor pup. I hope he got to safety.

I’ve got a dog in my garage tonight, and probably tomorrow. She’s a really sweet little terrier of some sort, but there’s no tag on her collar, and the local shelter is closed for the weekend. She’s not too happy, being shut in, but she has water, some really expensive cat food, and shelter from the impending storm. I’ve posted about her on a couple of platforms. I think she got scared of some early fireworks, poor thing.

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they never found them and considering I live in the woods there is no happy ending


Poor baby. :frowning: I will never understand humans.

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exception to the rules

Beautiful work,and good sadbox. I love pieces like this that show the hopeful nature of fluffies. The babbeh just thinks they were forgotten,not abandoned, because many fluffies are unable to imagine that anyone would purposely do them harm. Wonderful work. You’re quickly becoming one of my favorite creators.


It’s satirical art bro… Not meant to be taken seriously.

He just replying to my post about how people will leave dogs near a road I live by


I have a way of attracting exceptions. My view of their numbers may be a little skewed.

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Didn’t even place it on top of the cactus so the buzzards could clearly see him, buzzards needs to eat too! :gotsketties:

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Nah, classists just assume poor people lack human empathy as they themselves do.

Poor Derpy-coloured fluff. Maybe there are muffins over that next dune!


Sounds accurate. Is a lack of empathy required for wealth? I know it is for modern billionaires. (I say modern because Mansa Musa was pretty damn good at giving to others.)

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