Foal Delivery (By: EzPete)

Chloe was a good mare. She had a whole litter of foals and loved all of them with all her heart. Her mom said she wasn’t allowed to have tummy babies, but she found a loophole. On FluffTV there was a commercial for foal delivery service for fixed fluffies who couldn’t have tummy babies. The mascot was a stork, how original right?, with a litter riding excitedly in its open mouth. Mummah didn’t agree and said no babbies. Mummah said Chloe would just get bored or hurt her poopie and munstah babies.

So, she decided to run away and find a special friend to make special huggies. They had a big litter, eight fluffies. She and her special friend almost ran out of weggies to count them all. She even loved her poopie color babbeh and munstah babbeh just to spite mummah. They all played in the overgrown abandoned backyard of a deceased pensioner. There were lots of delicious berry nummies and flower nummies growing everywhere, so she and her special friend didn’t need to go look for them.

One day, her special friend went to look for sgettis, they had lots of nummies. But sgettis made the bestes milkies. While she waited and sang mummeh songs to her chirpy babies. A big wingy friend showed up. It was just like the wingy friend in the foal delivery not-show on FluffTV. “Hewwo wingy fwen! Am Cwoey! Nuu need foaw dewivawy anymowe! Cwoey make tummeh bebbehs ‘stehd!”

The bird turned it’s head, it’s large glassy eye looking at Chloe’s face. It took in the litter of foals in its avian brain. The purple alicorn began to crawl towards it, eyes still closed but intrigued by the new smell. It turned back and scooped the alicorn foal up. “Please wingy fwiend, nuu take Cwoey’s babbehs! Cwoey am gud mummah!”

Then the stork scooped up the next foal. Chloe panicked. “Nuu! Cwoey need aww bebbehs!” then another. Chloe tried to make sense of it. If the wingy friend delivered foals then he had to get them from somewhere too! “Pwease fwen, wet cwoey keep munstah babbeh! Uddah mummahs nuu wike munstah bebbehs!” Then another, the bird made a big gulping motion as each scooped foal chirped down its throat.

Half her foals were gone now. Chloes was sad to say goodbye, but they were gonna get a new mummah. She started hugging her last four and saying “Byebye bebbehs! Am gud bebbehs fow nyu mummah!” The stork scooped them out of her hooves as she held them up. Finally, she handed her poopie color baby to it and had no more foals. The stork hugged her with its mouth, it didn’t have front leggies for hugs after all. Chloe saw her bebbehs making a warm sleepy fluffpile way down inside the wingy friend’s mouth hole. Then it took off.

She felt sad, she was lonely without her foals, but they would get new homes with fwuffteebee and sgettis and lots of toys and new mummahs. She cheered up and began to sing to herself about what a good mummah she was. She could always make more tummeh babies with her special friend.

When her special friend came back with sgettis, he asked where their foals had gone. She explained it to him. At first he was angry and thought the wingy friend had eaten them, but she eventually explained fluff tv to him and the delivery service. He was a wild fluffy and never had a human family or sgettis so it was all confusing to him.

They made more tummeh babbehs. Eventually the wingy friend came back. Chloey cried as she said goodbye to her litter but handed them away again. She did this with every litter. She was happy to make other nuu tummeh bebbeh mummahs as happy as she was.

Edit: art by Carnivious Duck

I finally wrote a story in under a page. My first attempt at moronbox too.


Lovely idiot


More like FOOL delivery


The stork is quite clever… it has a source of protein practically given away.


Made a grammar correction and added a line with the mouth “hug”.

That’s a good one. I wish I was better at coming up with clever names.

Birds in general are psychopaths. I had a heron that kept coming up to our koi pond to steal fish. It took a lot to finally scare it away harmlessly so I understand why people in universe mercilessly butcher invading feral fluffs. They are kinda dumb though and will just eat anything that moves.

In universe, my fluffs arent very nutritious and predators only favor them when there is no other food. Such as when ecological collapse from fluffies wipes out other prey species.


A very good mummah! So generous, she sets such a good example for her babbehs <3


Both understandable & sympathetic.




(post deleted by author)

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Do birds drool? I’ve never thought to ask.


It’s beautiful🥲


Birds do have saliva glands, theres a swallow that builds nests out of spit…


The more you know!

This is good. Part of me wants there to be a bit of despair, but I don’t know how that could be shown without taking away from the hilarity of the mom’s blissful ignorance.
Great concept.

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I have a deep level of respect for anyone who moves through life motivated by spite, lmao. I would know, that was me for Years!