Fun fact, this is the same machine I got my unicorn fluffy Crush from.
ohhhhhhh these seem lovely, i’d love to see what sorta little fluff i’d get through this thing
Very nice job~ The Foal-Can trope (depending on headcanon) about skinning an adult fluffy to make a “mummahs-fluff” cushion for a foal that was taken from its own mummah and will just likely die in its can (or worse) is particularly unsavory to me…
I think that’s partially why I love (hate?) Foal-Cans so much, the awfulness of reducing fluffies (what I see as) living creatures to packaged “convenience” commodities with a shelf-life, like a gas station sandwich.
And I know from working in manufacturing, this would ABSOLUTELY happen in the real world if corporations could get away with it
Well you pick one of the eight flavors and then it’s random whether you get an earthy, a unicorn or a Pegasus
You see, no matter what flavour you pick, they all taste like chicken nuggets with a shit filling. ITS A SCAM