Foal-in-a-Can song (for a FluffTV commercial) by: skettiswipuh (Virgil)

To the tune of Particle Man by They Might Be Giants

♫ Foal in a Can!
Foal in a Can!
You’ll love to play with
Foal in a Can!
What does it like?
That’s not important.
Foal in a Can! ♪

♫Is it a gem, or is it a wreck
When it’s underwater does it get wet?
Or does the water kill it instead?
Nobody knows
Foal in a Can!♪

♫Buying a can!
Buying a can!
Buying a can is a simple plan!
Find the one you like,
drop in your quarters,
Foal in a Can!♪

  • catchy accordion solo

♫Your Foal in a Can
can live in your hand!
Die in the can if that’s your plan!
When it expires
that’s not important
Foal in a Can!♪

♫You can get lots more Foal in a Can!
At local stores, all across the land!
Ranging from large to smaller cans,
Happy Can,
Foal in a Can!♪

♫Fluffy Can, Fluffy Can,
be hit on the head with a frying pan!
Or live it’s life in a garbage can,
Foal in a Can!♪

♫Is it impressed by it’s owner’s mess?
Does it feel totally worthless?
Who really cares what fluffies think?
Cathartic plan,
Foal in a Can!♪

♫Try you a Can!
Foal in a Can!
Foal in a Can doesn’t be-come bland.
Hold it’s whole
world in your hand.
Foal in a Can!♪

  • why is this accordion solo so fucking catchy!?!



foal-in-a-can its just a talking fleshlight


Somebody needs to make an actual version of that song :gotsketties:


I both hate and love you.

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I would if I could.

On it g3x

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