With the advent of effective feral population control the prices of fluffies went up considerably, to the point where it wasn’t viable to have spoilage of foal in can products.
Mysterious disappearances of Foal in Can management and States passing fluffy rights laws were also large factors. But let’s be honest it was the C-suites going missing that changed their practices.
Canned Foals version 2 takes weened foals and places them in cryogenic storage containers, each labeled with type, colors, and gender. Foals are tested for suitability for adoption with defects and disorders being priced lower or higher depending on local markets.
To deal with dwindling stock, the company has teamed up with shelters to store and sell unwanted but viable foals. The company gets more stock and the shelters get valuable space back.
Safety features include back up batteries in the vending machines and the cans are heavily insulated to prevent gain of heat and injury to both customer and foal
There is the potential of a foal never being adopted, but with the cryostorage there’s always a chance.
Wait a minute, which frog DNA was used as viable material?
Because as we learnt from Jurassic Park, some frogs are hermaphroditic and can change their sex for breeding purposes. You think regular uncontrolled Fluffy breeding is scary? Imagine INTERSEX Fluffy breeding… now imagine that in multiple herds.
In most headcanons, they explain the mass proliferation of fluffies through their short gestation and growth period. Oh, and their ability to have a huge litter of foals.