Foal in real life sketch. (by: artist-kun)


It is cuite and terrifying at the same time I would actually want one


For abuse or as food or pet food

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Honestly probably all three I mean yes I am a abuser but I’ll only do so if it’s for punishment or stray fluffys attack and rape mine and of course if I have other pets that happen to be meat eaters like my wife wants a lizzard I dont remember the name of it but it eats meat boom there pet food as well for me cause I’m curious on how they taste and what recipes I can make with them all I’ll have to do is breed them and as long I got the space and some basic know how I actually would love a fluffy ranch


Thats a very long sentence. Are all your punctuation keys broken?

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No it’s just my phone it literally doesn’t listen to what I type or it doesn’t type it in or it types what it wants.

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