Foal sketch Adventure Part 2 (EzPete)

Poopies won the last poll at 9/20 or 45%

The foal felt a rumbling in his tummy as the milk he drank began to digest. Suddenly he felt a jolt of tummy hurties which could only mean one thing. Poopies! He sprinted, or rather stumbled as quickly as he could to the litterbox. He was a good foal and only made poopies in the litterbox.

The digested milk, that his delicate intestines helplessly failed to siphon excess water from, wanted to come out. He held it as hard as he could. He mantled the low ledge of the litter box and as soon as his rear hooves hit the scented gravel he instinctively relaxed his bowels.

As the pain subsided, he turned to look admire his good work. He saw drops had landed on the tile outside the litterbox and even worse, he was still pooping outside of the box. He tried to clench again but couldn’t because fear overwhelmed him. He was a bad babbeh and would get punished he thought!

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What happens next?

  • Sorry Stick
  • Sorry Box
  • Play with Siblings
  • Drink More Milkies
  • Take a Nap
0 voters

I vote for the sorry-hydraulic-press.
One limb at a time.


(post deleted by author)

I second the Hydropress if its an option :o


He tried to do good, but he can’t just be let off. Sorry stick spankins!

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I’ve decided no horrific abuse tier stuff until he either runs away or is adopted

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Hear me out: You give him more milkies and immediately put him in the sorry box, where he again shits himself at which point you do sorry stick him into a whimpering heap.

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This foal seems to be at least somewhat behaved, so I believe he should be made to eat ALL the poopies that didn’t make it to the litter box. Any of that “nu taste pwetty” nonsense, then break out la chancla.

“Burnie-hurties” is not on this list, so I can’t choose.

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He could always take a nap and have a sleepy-picture of fire and brimstone for his sins

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Deep heat on a gloved index finger deep in as it will go.

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put him in the sorry box, keep feeding him milk and let the box fill up with his own shit

oh one limb at a time is great. im normally bored with total body crushing because its to0 quick but this way he has time to suffer :slight_smile:

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