Foal Torture Part 8 - BloodyBoots

What should they do next?

  • Firecracker up the ass!
  • Cut its genitals off with a hot razor!
  • Cut it up and dip it in peroxide!
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Where’s the option to give him a hug :pleading_face: Lil dude is so cute and pathetic in the last panel


I wanna see his balls get cut off but I find him going boom better

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You should have seen it without the chubby cheeks. Super extra sad. Wana save it for a dollar? I’ll throw in a commission.

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Hmm…alright, a dollar has been sent, save the babbeh :sunglasses:


So glad this is back!!

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peroxide don’t sting at all, rubbing alcohol or lemon juice is much better option and once you dunk em in roll em in salt.


Hmm, firecracker up the ass would almost certainly kill him (less suffering), but it’s also the most fun to see.

It’s all yours! I’ll draw a comic of you saving it. Lol :laughing:

Replace ‘firecracker’ with ‘grenade’ and you’re talking my language.

Make him run on treadmill

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