Foal Trap 6, Another Mercy Kill (Pastry_Knight)

Thank god having to deal with mice fucked up but not killed by the mouse traps I have to put out still fucking disgusts and horrifies me, just had one that had like a quarter of their chest and an arm stuck, took them outside and let them out of the trap and they just sat there breathing heavily, and even when I prodded them they didn’t even try to flee, could see they were a fucking goner, so dropped a fucking brick on them like a psycho, but surely that is better than being eaten alive, at least it was quick.


My sympathies, it sucks having to deal with real animals like that. At least your method was as quick as possibly could have been for it.


Also if it makes you feel any better, its kinda better thsn poison traps cuz those do more harm than help on pest control like if a cat, dog, owl, etc eats a poisoned mouse its a domino effect.

Imagine if a feral fluffy finds a dead foal next to what used to be taited cheese just tiny crumbs on its foamed mouth then the feral desperately eats the foal thrn experiences sonething akin to cyanide poisoning for fluffies cuz of the rat poison.


Exactly. I’ve seen local cats running around with rats in their mouths, with blue fur on the rat’s belly to show that it’s been poisoned. Had to go chasing after them more than once to save their damn lives.


Yeah my dogs find dead rats or frogs in the ditch by my graden i walk em around… thank god they werent poisoned just torn up and decayed cuz of cats cuz usually by the time i get to them they wolfed them down.

I have a mink trap tho i sonetimes use which is humane and simply snaps the entrance making no exit…catching fluffies might be easy :thinking:

This is why I prefer electric mousetraps. Anything going in there is a goner and you just empty it out.


We actually had a small mouse problem last summer. I remember seeing one with one of its hind legs stuck in the mouse trap in the morning. We didn’t hear it go off, so it probably was triggered sometime during the night, meaning the poor guy was suffering for hours…

You want the good old fashioned wire spring traps for better outright mouse killing. Those plastic ones are shit.

Plus have 2 bricks or a rock where you can easily get to them outside the back. I’ve delt with plenty of half dead rodents throughout the years

I have both, the one I found folded in half was in a wire trap

Poor little mousy, that sounds so brutal :frowning: At least you gave them a quick out when you found them.

Look on the bright side: they provide inspiration for these excellent drawings

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Now imagine the mouse looked, sounded, and acted like that fluffy in your picture. Still psycho for bricking it?

Idk why watching them trying to scamper or just using their legs so uselessly is more entertaining than the idea of them waddling

1882 revolver mousetrap gun.


America, FUCK YEAH!!!

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