Yea but its effectiveness doesn’t lie in catching rodents depending on the size it can catch up to 5 or 6 at once making clearing much faster the the kill traps
Thanks for making this! Fluffies should be treated no differently than insects and the best way to kill these is definitely to just roll up the trap and pop them.
+1 for trying tho.
hehe. Very nice fwiend.
It’s fucked up but just go outside and smack them onto the pavement. Instant kill if you do it hard enough. A quick death is better then throwing them away on it and making them suffer. It’s kinda unsettling the first time but after that it’s nbd. And you stop feeling sorry for them the more mouse shit and piss you have to clean up and stuff you own they’ve ruined. tried many times using kill traps and the bastards are too smart
Protecting your propperty from fluffies grown ups and foals is a right everyone has.
That was quite a quick death. I would’ve just rolled the glue trap in and throw it in the garbage bin, let the foal suffocate to death.
Is it weird or wrong to want this both voices and the "back popping " sounds to be super slow and crunchy …or is that just me