Foal Wars - Doubleganger (Artist: SqueakyFriend)


If you’re gonna fight this baby, you’d best make sure you got the right one… Because if you pick the wrong target, prepare to be ambushed!

A lifetime(?) of cheating bedtimes by replacing himself with stuffed toys has honed Doubleganger (real name kept secret) for Foal Wars, combining hide-and-seek with pillowfighting! He only has two fake foals, though, so he brought some pillows in roughly the right colors as backup.

He thinks it’s funny to see fluffies get confused and even funnier to sneak up on them and whack them with his plush doubles! Even so, he gets very upset (even angry!) if his fake selves are damaged or ruined. Definitely a sneaky and mischievous fighter!

(I know I have an entry to the main event already but come on how could I not want to join Foal Wars? My initial idea was to have a foal with a foal-sized teddy to use as a big shield/weapon, like a manually operated JoJo stand, which then morphed into this. I imagine he pronounces his name as “Dubbygangah”.)


Ohhhhhh i LOVE HIIIIMMMM!! i wish to pinch his lil cheeks!! Oh i cant WAIT to see him Square up in Foal wars!!


I almost see them having their own arena when you fight them, with piles of similar looking stuffy friends.
Love it.


He looks so mischievous!!! I love him.


Stealth combat fluffies are something I never knew I wanted

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What a clever little bastard. But sooner or later his luck will run out.

See, I would have had him set up like a line of shrews, each one biting the tail of the one in front of it, chugging around the arena like a fluffy centipede

He’s so cute! So far, out of all the Battlefluffs contestants yours are my favourite ones, both Kevin and this one.

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